Martín Lousteau challenges the government: "Do not be afraid to compete in the OSP" – 19/02/2019


Special envoy in India

Martín Lousteau knows that his name is on everyone's lips since the president of Unión Cívica Radical, Alfredo Cornejo, proposed that the UCR compete with Mauricio Macri within the OPS to contain the "vote of disappointment" from Cambiemos.

In the middle of this tension, this week alone, The former Minister of Economy shares with the president the tour in Asia. He traveled with him to New Delhi and will accompany him with the rest of the delegation until closing in the United Arab Emirates. But this does not prevent him from collecting endurance and, stating that he always takes "no personal decision", to reinforce the proposal of the governor of Mendoza: "There should be no fear of competing within the OSP," he says, in a clear challenge to the government, who criticizes the course and asks for "greater breadth" to "not make the past".

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– Are you surprised that they say that he is a candidate for the presidency?

– (Smiles) In Argentina, there are many candidates, it seems very premature to talk about it. During the election years, it is usually perverse to want to talk about the end of the film before the first scenes. In any case, the first thing to do in radicalism is to have a diagnosis of what is happening and to manifest it. Without this, the rest does not make sense. Carlazo, a member of our bloc, said something real: successful coalitions compete on the electoral stage and then coordinate policies. And not the opposite. I think you can not not compete (in the elections) and you want to compete in politics.

There, Lousteau makes a parenthesis. In the interview with Clarín and La Nación, he stated that "what happened at La Pampa", where radical Daniel Kroneberger won the internship for the governorship of the macrista, Carlos Mc Allister, "It shows that in a coalition, it is always good to have primaries". And he warns that Sunday's result could have a mirror effect in other districts. "In many parts of the country, a large part of society thinks differently from the PRO.It is good that a coalition made up of different parts allows the society to manifest the nuances," he insisted.

– But are you determined to play in the trainee?

-I insist: I believe that radicalism is the first thing to do, it's a diagnosis. And this offers it to society and sees if it follows or not. Do not choose to play only when an opportunity arises. Sometimes, in politics, it is better to have convictions and lose. Sometimes in politics you have to be in the wrong place, even for the rest of society or for most voters, but where there are problems. But there is a very large space that deserves representation in a coalition.

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– Do you say to radicalism that if Macri does not open internally, play outside?

No, I propose that you have a more in-depth debate on the best contribution the party can make in a coalition.

– But to leaders of radicalism, sees them with this vocation to debate?

-Curiously, I think that when the situation does not eat us and you have time to converse in depth, the diagnoses of those who have good will and are rigorous are very similar to mine. With Alfredo Cornejo, I speak a lot. It's not just the president of the RCU: it's a governor who found a province with a deficit, who did not have the money to pay the installments and who ordered it.

– However, you raise an amplitude that the government seems to have no more. He is expelling Emilio Monzó (he is also in India). Do you think the government needs to expand its base?

-I have no doubts. It's something I've already said, as a person on the outside, as a close relative who does not want to go back in the past. I think the direction we have to comb and define better. And in this sense, the amplitude allows you greater stability: it is not the same table with one leg as with four legs. But I also think that, in this way, they will be able to incorporate leaders who have a specific weight. Emilio (for Monzó) has a phrase that I like very much. He says, "Politics is the art of understanding the needs of the other, because you already know them." And he's right: if you shut up, you can not. Those who have a proven vocation to participate in the public, who have political capacity and managerial experience, are essential.

– So you see that Macri closes?

-When the PRO has supremacy, it is not encouraged to discuss with the people, but direct it to the electoral arena. And if there is no public discussion, it is difficult to be in the same place. I was summoned at the time as ambbadador and from time to time I am consulted on the vision of the problems specific to my specialty and on more political issues. That is, I see the consultation, but I noticed that before (Change) it was a coalition that had at least the intention and ability to summon others, even much further from space. Y lately, I see that he is reacting with those who have been close from the beginning. This is very striking, especially when something shows you that these problems are much more complex than they seem at first glance and that the government itself was expecting it.

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-How would you rate the Macri government?

– I believe that the great challenge she has had and continues to be is to eliminate the possibility of falling into populism. The second was to institutionalize Cambiemos, as a definitive figure of Argentina. Because if there is an actor who can defeat Peronism, it forces him to make a proposal and not wait for a crisis. This would significantly change the functioning of the political system. It was a must. Is it filled? Well, we have a big question mark, because we always discuss the past and the former president. That's why I think it's missing very important elements to this mandate.

-In this context, after four years of management and many disenchanted, some say that an internal weaken much Macri. Would they not expose themselves to a triumph of Kirchnerism?

-I am struck by what I hear sometimes. Or when he introduced the initiative to eliminate PASO, a government that came to power through the primaries. The second thing It strikes me, it's the fear of the verdict. I did not make any decisions. And it does not matter who the candidate is. But do not be afraid of competition. Because if anyone thinks they can win the national elections, he should think that the internal elections will prevail. It's odd that someone says that I win, I do not need anyone to challenge me before, right?

-And in the province, with María Eugenia Vidal, must there also be a stage?

– I like PASO, but there should be some there are different proposals.



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