Martín Redrado at Expoagro: "Consumption will rebound in the third quarter"


During his visit to Expoagro, economist Martin Redrado said that in the third quarter of the year, "consumption would begin to see a rebound" while being more cautious about the situation. arrival of investments.

"The consumption will start to see a rebound in the third quarter, while the investment is slow, but it will be heterogeneous, "said the former president of the Central Bank (BCRA) under the government of Néstor Kirchner, when he presented a dissertation on the challenges of the economy.

In the sample of the field, the economist evaluated the competitiveness of the agricultural sector and its ability to generate sources of work. "The sectors of the field and energy they generate 30% of the country's employment "Redrado detailed.

In this sense, he added that "the field is extremely competitive" because, he added, "in the field of biotechnology, we are in direct competition with all the countries of the world".

In another order, Redrado said that "Argentina needs a growth program based on these three fundamental pillars", namely "consumption, investment and exports".

On this last point, it was necessary "a real revolution of exports" which Support growth and allow to enter the currencies and considered "positive that the government is looking at Southeast Asia, to countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, additional economies to ours ".


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