Martín Soria’s advice to Macri and his former officials in the case of arms smuggling to Bolivia | The Minister of Justice said they are “very complicated”


The Minister of Justice, Martin Soria, went to the crossroads of information that tries to link the government of Alberto Fernández to the smuggling of weapons to Bolivia organized and carried out by the administration of Mauricio Macri. “It speaks to the high level of desperation.” that the former officials of Juntos por el Cambio have “because the evidence against them is serious”, he declared and recommended: “They should look for a lawyer because they are in their hands”.

The head of the judicial portfolio referred to the procedures dated January and May 2020 with which the gendarmerie extended the shipment of ammunition to Bolivia. The government’s response to this information published by a Buenos Aires morning newspaper was immediate: it was part of the cover-up that the security forces activated to hide the maneuver, they said through the Ministry of Affairs. foreigners.

The Minister of Justice confirmed that that the material disseminated through “notes published in Clarín and La Nación” was “subscribed by the same people who were discovered and denounced by ourselves” when checking the coverage.

“All the Anmac authorizations for 2020 were signed by that part of the gendarmerie which tried to cover up smuggling”Soria underlined this during an interview on Radio 10.

Macri and the recalcitrant right

Therefore, he added, This documentation published by the press “is part of the absurdity with which the media defense tries to save the skin” of the former government of Together for Change. “It is the recalcitrant right that comes to the aid of the former president in this very serious cause,” he insisted.

Likewise, he considered that “What these people (of Together for Change) should do is find a good lawyer because they are dependent on them”.

“They are so, so complicated” that the publication of this news “It speaks of the high level of desperation they have, because the evidence (against them) is serious”the official said and clarified that the case was not initiated by the Argentine government but stemmed from information found by Bolivia.

In fact, the trigger was a note in which the Bolivian Air Force thanked the Argentine Embassy in La Paz for the “war material” sent to suppress the mobilisations against the de facto government of Jeanine Añez. Then “documents proving” the offense of aggravated smuggling appeared formally denounced by the Alberto Fernández administration.

The role of Larreta, Carrió, Vidal and Santilli

Soria also questioned other former officials and leaders of Juntos por el Cambio on this issue. who avoid talking about arms smuggling to Bolivia to support politically and with the logistics of weapons the coup against Evo Morales, which took place in November 2019.

“I wonder what Larreta, Carrió, Vidal and Santilli think about their own government supporting a coup”The minister added in reference to the head of government of Buenos Aires, the head of the Civic Coalition, as well as the former governor and the former vice-head of the government of Buenos Aires who are head of the list of deputies nationals in the next elections.

Among them, María Eugenia Vidal was the only one to have spoken publicly yesterday on the subject. In his statements, he said the complaint against Macri seemed “striking” and suggested that it was part of the ruling party’s election campaign. “Have mercy on me for Vidal”Soria responded when asked about it.


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