Marx, we change control: "It's a temporary measure to stop a race"


he the economist Daniel Marx He said today that the recent government announcement on the change control "it's a temporary measure"To temporarily control the panic of a bank. He considered that in this sense "it worked relatively well"And had a first positive effect.

For the economist, the first test of the effect of the measures what was done yesterday on the markets "it was partial because not only was the American holiday, but the ads are very recent and most did not know how to position themselves in front of them. "

Marx explained that "the measures worked relatively well, in the sense that they somehow stopped what was a run who hinted extraordinarily loud at the end of last week. Yesterday therefore had a first positive effect.

In this sense, he indicated that "what is needed now is the impact and evolution of the rest of the problems. Because one of the effects is that some kind of exchange rate splitting appears and we will have to see how people will arbitrate against each other. "

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The workers' center today sent a letter to the president in which he urges all social actors "endowed with the responsibility and experience" to tackle the "scourge of hunger". .

"I think this has to be seen as a temporary measure to put an end to a hint of panic or panic, and in that sense it has worked," said the economist this morning at a news conference. radio dialogue with the network.

Asked about deposits that were withdrawn yesterdayMonday, for savers for nearly $ 1 million, said: "The banks say that they have a number of notable bills that could support that.. What is happening is that withdrawals often go into vaults, but if trust ended up making those dollars, they would be returned to the system and used to revive the economy. "

In the end, when we talk about $ 5.4 billion missing from the IMFMarx said that although these payments still serve to strengthen the reserves and start better next year, "he said that"the most likely is that they will arrive after the elections"


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