Mary, "the influence of God": the pope encouraged young people to follow the Virgin


Pope Francis called on young people to follow in the footsteps of "Mary, the Influencer of God" at the World Youth Watch (WYD), in the Juan Pablo II field of Panama.

With public applause, Francisco declared that the Virgin, "the girl of Nazareth, did not appear on the social networks of the time, was not an" influencer "(nobody influential), but who has influenced the most in history. "

VISIT PAPER. According to the organization, they calculated that they had attended nearly 600,000 people. (AP)

He claimed that being an "influencer" in the 21st century, he was "the guardian of the roots, of everything that prevents life from becoming gaseous and evaporating into nothingness".

"Are you willing to say yes?" Asked the pontiff and, in response to a weak response, he insisted: "What's wrong? You can not hear it!", Which led to a huge "yes"

"Do you want to be an influencer in the manner of Maria, who dared to say" Only love makes us more human, fuller, all the others are good but empty placebos, "he said. .

"The life that Jesus gives is a story of love," he continued, "this life is not a suspended hi in the cloud waiting to be downloaded, nor a new one. application to be discovered, nor a mental exercise resulting in self-improvement techniques.Learn the latest news, "reported Efe and Dpa agencies.

VISIT PAPER. According to the organization, they calculated that they had attended nearly 600,000 people. (AP)

Pilgrims from 150 countries and people of all ages gathered last night in the wastelands on the outskirts of the capital and destined to become a modern commercial and corporate complex, while waiting for Sunday Mbad.

The organizers calculated in 600 000 people present instead.


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