Mass extinction: they warn that it is "the last chance" to repair the planet


A million species they are threatened with extinction and the pace is accelerating, according to a United Nations (UN) report, forcing "profound change" of society to repair the damage to nature.

In this unprecedented text published Monday, May 6, the Expert Panel of Experts on Biodiversity (IPBES) poses a dark picture for the future of the human being, which depends on nature to breathe, drink, eat, warm and even heal itself.

"We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life around the world," he warned. Robert Watson, president of IPBES. In this context, he added: "It is not too late to act, but we must start now and through a profound change in our society".

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"Governments need to think beyond GDP (gross domestic product) as a measure of wealth and integrate other forms of capital, such as natural, social and human capital, despite the resistance of those who are interested in the status quo, for example. " example, in the agriculture and energy sectors, "he added.

Deforestation, intensive agriculture, overfishing, rampant urbanization, mines are some of the factors that complicate the situation. 75% of the Earth's environment is "seriously impaired" human activity, while 66% of seafarers are also affected. The result of all this: a million animal and plant species out of the estimated 8 million on Earth are threatened with extinction and many could disappear "in the coming decades".

Marsh Deer: Endangered
Marsh deer, one of the extinct species. PHOTO: CEDOC

A discovery consistent with what many scientists have been describing for years: the beginning of the sixth "mbad extinction" – a term not mentioned in the report – and the first of which the man is responsible. But, at the same time, it would also be "the first that could be stopped if we act decisively now," he explained. Mark Tercek, president of the NGO Nature Conservancy.

Without knowing it, humanity is trying to stifle the living planet and the future of humanity, said a biologist at George Mason University.

Analysis. "Without realizing it, humanity is trying to stifle the living planet and the future of humanity," said Thomas Lovejoy, a biologist at the University. George Mason. Without being part of the UN report, he is considered the godfather. biodiversity for its research. "Actually the biological diversity of this planet has been hit hardand it's really our last chance to fix everything, "said the specialist.

The report. The text presenting, in which 450 experts worked for three years, identifies the five main leaders of this order: land use (agriculture, deforestation), direct exploitation of resources (fishing, hunting), climate change, pollution and pollution. species invasive Climate change may increase at this scale, exacerbating other factors, although some actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions may have direct benefits to nature.

Earth has entered the sixth "mbad extinction" and threatens a million species

The 39-page summary of the study identifies five ways in which humans reduce biodiversity:

  1. Overfishing in the world's oceans. One-third of fish stocks are overexploited.
  2. It allows climate change from burning fossil fuels to make the planet too hot, humid or dry for the survival of some species. Nearly half of the world's terrestrial mammals, with the exception of bats, and nearly a quarter of the birds' habitats have been altered by global warming.
  3. Contaminate the earth and water. Each year, between 300 and 400 million tonnes of heavy metals, solvents and toxic waste are dumped into the waters of the planet.
  4. It allows invasive species to capture the habitat of native plants and animals. The number of invasive species per country has increased by 70% since 1970. There is a species of bacteria that threatens nearly 400 species of amphibians. "

"The fight against climate change and saving different species are two equally important goals, "says the report, and the work in both areas must be closely linked, these two issues are getting worse as a warmer world involves fewer species and a planet with This means that there are fewer trees and plants to eliminate carbon dioxide that traps heat in the atmosphere, said Lovejoy, while Watson said: "There is less biodiversity. Everything is going as it is now. "

The fight against climate change and the safeguarding of different species are two objectives of equal importance, according to the UN report.

The objectives set out in the report include:The agrifood system, which aims to feed 10 billion people in 2050 in a "sustainable" way, implies a transformation of agricultural production (agroecology, better water management) but also consumption habits (food), according to the l. international agency. AFP.

dangerous extinction polar bear g_20190424
The UN has presented an alarming report on the extinction of the species.

"We applaud this call for a regime changeTowards a more food-based diet of plant origin to reduce the consumption of meat and dairy products, whose negative impacts on biodiversity, climate change and human health are well known ", he declares. Eric Darier, a member of Greenpeace.

However, in the final text of the IPBES, there is no direct appeal to eat less meat, which probably indicates that some producing countries have opposed this mention.

Measures Member States of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) will meet in China in 2020 and environmentalists expect that they will adopt an ambitious framework of action until the end of the year. in 2050 to preserve the planet.

The environment ministers of the G7 and other countries gathered in France on Monday adopted a "biodiversity charter" in which they pledge to fight against the erosion of nature by "concrete actions". In the text open to governments around the world, hundreds of experts demanded the end of "funding that destroys nature" and explained: "We must radically change the way we live".



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