Mass mobilization called for justice for four crimes


A large demonstration calling for "Justice for Diego Loza" by family, friends and colleagues, served to join relatives of three other criminal cases. There were about 400 people in the demonstration.

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The claim was motorized by relatives and friends of Diego Loza (the 34-year-old municipal employee was brutally murdered on June 23). They summoned and added the largest number of protesters. They asked "justice", although the case already has two defendants, treated for aggravated triple homicide.

But they also add family members who claim three more crimes.

The friends and relatives of four victims gathered on Thursday afternoon in Plaza San Martín and organized a march to seek justice for four crimes committed in the city of Santa Rosa

. Diego Loza's family, the municipal employee murdered a few days ago. But the summons was joined by relatives and friends of Aldo "Chueco" Fuentes; Pepe Macías and Martín Tombado.

There were flags calling for "Justice for Diego", "Justice for Martín Tombado", "Enough of Impunity". Posters saying "Insecurity enough".

The demonstration, which brought together some 400 people, began with a march of silence from San Martin Avenue to the residence of the Governor General, but the screams and demands of justice appeared .

After crossing the civic center, the protesters returned along San Martin Avenue, walked around the square across Avellaneda, Lagos and came back along Gil Avenue. They finished delnte of the municipality of Santarroseña


Case Loza

The body of Loza, of 34 years, was found in his apartment of Emilio Zola and Luro Monday 25 of June at night, around 22 hours. He had a bullet in his left ankle, another in his left arm and a third – deadly – in his mouth. The police first arrested a suspect Tuesday morning and at noon the other, a 17-year-old boy fell.

Walter Eleuterio Rojas Pedraza was arrested on a construction site at Colonia Escalante. They looked for the other suspect during the morning and were finally arrested at an address on Tomás Mason Street at noon. He is a minor of 17 years old. The reason for the crime is supposed to be theft. They kidnapped the murder weapon in the same place as the crime.

The investigators arrived at the suspects through images of security cameras and by the intelligence work of Criminology.

Loza was a municipal employee who filled the bus terminal of the Pampean capital. Since Saturday he was missing, his family could not locate him and on Monday he missed his job. This made them file a complaint. The body appeared under the ministry grill. They found it on Monday at 10 pm

The death would have occurred on Saturday when Loza was in the bathroom. The young man was surprised by the criminals and a fight ensued, he was shot in the foot and elbow and fell to the ground. Then he was shot in the mouth with a .22 caliber weapon.

According to reports, the perpetrators spent Saturday and Sunday at Loza's house and then placed the body under the grill.

At that time, they would have sold a television on Facebook and even called a rotisserie

Case Tombado

 marcha tomaso

The crime of Martin "Monchi" Tombado , age 28, was produced on June 10. He started with a fight inside the Cine Club bar. Then he spread around the corner of Pellegrini and Quintana. Tombado was stabbed in intercostal law. He died at the hospital Lucio Molas.

This is Lisandro Moro, 19, who was arrested and two minors under the age of 17 who will be interned at IPESA. The sister of the victim, Yanina, asked this Thursday "Justice for Martin".

claimed that his brother's murderer is going to jail. "He killed him, he stabbed him, he has to go to jail, he did not do anything" she said, in tears, the young woman [19659004]  marcha fuetes ]


The murder of Aldo "El Chueco" Fuentes (63) was produced January 31st at Colonia Escalante. The body of Fuentes was found around 18:00, by a girl from the house between the streets Luther King and Neveu. He was hit in the head while he was sleeping. The first hypothesis studied by the police was an "attempted robbery" but "there is no sign of signature". The case is unpunished and has no detainees.

Macias Case

The crime of Edgardo "Pepe" Macías (19) occurred on March 19, 2003 in the Zona Norte. He was in the middle of a fight on Stieben Street with a child under 16, after he went to a shop to buy with a friend. He received several injuries in the abdomen caused by a stab

This Thursday, after 15 years, his mother Norma Suárez and his sister Norma Rodríguez claimed "Justicia"

(Developing News) [19659031] this note:

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