Massa suspended her campaign for Malena Galmarini's health problems


The candidate for the national deputation of Before all (FdT) and referent Front Renovator, Sergio Massa, foresaw his return from United States and suspended his campaign activities until Thursday to accompany his wife, Malena Glamarini, that last night had to be hospitalized urgently and operated by a gynecological problem.

"Massa He has advanced his return and is already at the accompanying clinic Malenathat goes well after the surgery. To be with his wife, he first suspended his campaign activities on Thursday, "they told the press of the president's referent. Front Renovator.

According to the medical part, Galmarini She is in good health after being hospitalized for a gynecological problem, but must remain under observation until Friday.

If your wife's recovery is going well, Massa he planned to continue his campaign tours by participating in an event organized in Buenos Aires by the party Moron and Friday at St. Vincent.

The candidate for the national deputation of FdT I had traveled last weekend for New York talk about the future of the Argentina in the Woodrow Wilson Center from the city of Washington and hold several meetings with the authorities of international organizations and economists.

In this context, Massa met yesterday at New York with the Argentinean economist Martin Guzman, a professor at Columbia University and a specialist in public debt restructuring.

Then he was received by Susan Seagal, president of Council of the Americas, an organization that brings together American companies seeking to promote free trade, democracy and open markets on the continent.



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