Massa: the real "unbearable risk" is the path taken by Macri


"The Argentine economy needs development, market and internal consumption, it does not need to continue to ask for borrowed money, but to trust its own value", added Mbada.

As part of his tours across the country to make contact with Argentina's neighbors, the first said that "listening to SMEs, workers from regional economies and traders, this helps us to discuss issues that are not currently on the Argentinean political agenda. "

Asked about the IMF president 's statements in the Western Hemisphere, who warned that electoral uncertainty posed a risk for the arrival of investments, Mr Mbada said: "The International Monetary Fund must devote itself to solving the credit problems for which it was created and which establishes its charter, and not to comment on the internal politics of the countries."

Mbada also pointed out that the agreement "signed in the medium term is not feasible for Argentina as it does not put the agenda on the agenda. Importance of work and production The Argentine economy needs development, market and internal consumption, it does not need to continue to ask for borrowed money, but to trust in its own value " .

"The next government will need everyone, an economic and social agreement, stable state policies and a renegotiation of the agreement with the Fund." Consensus, agreements, dialogue and the possibility of a new majority is an obligation for those of us who believe that Macri has failed but that Argentina is a country with great opportunities, "he concluded.


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