Massacre in a prison in Ecuador: 100 dead – News


At least a hundred died after a riot at the Guayaquil Litoral penitentiary, according to Ecuadorian prison authorities.

Meanwhile, the number could rise due to the number of injured and the fact that more bodies are still wanted, according to international media.

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The Government announced that the Police took back control of the place, which was revolutionized on Tuesday, September 28 and, faced with the gravity of the situation, President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency throughout the penitentiary system.

“Declare a state of emergency due to serious internal disturbances in all the centers for the deprivation of liberty that make up the social reintegration system at the national level, without any exception, for a period of 60 days from the signing of this executive decree, ”said the statement issued by the government.

The Service for the Attention to the Deprived of Liberty (SNAI) reported that there was a shootout between inmates of Guayaquil Prison 1, which is part of a large penitentiary complex made up of several prisons.

The agency noted that Tuesday morning “an alert was activated” in prison “for gun detonations and explosions in various pavilions, due to clashes between criminal gangs.

Violence has become almost permanent in prisons across the country, where seizures of inmates include guns and cluster grenades, indicated the site

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“There has been a prison crisis since 2010, with an average of 25 homicides per year, but it is accelerating considerably from 2017 to its peak. We must already have exceeded 160 homicides,” he told reporters. AFP Ecuadorian Fernando Carrión, expert in security and drug trafficking.

Two weeks ago, Guayaquil Prison 4 was attacked with explosive drones in the midst of a “war between international cartels”, causing no casualties but material damage, according to SNAI.

“This shows us that there is already an expensive technological display, that inside the prisons there are more economic resources than outside”, said Carrión, professor at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (Flacso) in Quito.

The main prisons of Ecuador have this year been the scene of violent clashes for power between gangs of some 20,000 members linked to the Mexican cartels of Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación, abounds on the European site.

In February, there were simultaneous riots in four prisons across the country, in which 79 people died and there were also scenes of beheaded bodies.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) condemned the continued violence in Ecuadorian prisons, which can accommodate some 30,000 people but house 39,000.

Last week, police seized two pistols, a revolver, around 500 ammunition of various calibers, knives, a grenade, 12 sticks of dynamite and other improvised explosive devices from one of Guayaquil’s prisons.


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