Massacre in a school in Brazil: 10 dead


Two teenagers shot dead five boys and three older boys and committed suicide.

Brazil A river of blood at a school in San Pablo, Brazil, highlighted the very serious mbadacre that took place. Two teenagers entered the school, opened fire on the children, killed eight people and committed suicide. In addition, there are 16 injured guys.

The aberrant attack took place yesterday morning at the Raúl Brasil School of Suzano, in the metropolitan area of ​​San Pablo. According to the military police, the two young men, identified as Luiz de Castro, 25, and Guilherme Monteiro, 17, were neighbors and alumni of the school where they live. entered a hood. Before arriving at the institution where to start the mbadacre, they opened fire on the owner of a nearby car dealership, shot dead three times and died on the way to the hospital. Once at school, the killers shot down the educational coordinator and another school official, who would be the director. From there, they went to the food court, where they continued the shooting, which was aimed at that time the helpless children. Thus, the survivors killed five miners. Once the attack ended, and before the imminent arrival of security forces, the young badbadins decided to commit suicide in an adjoining corridor. At the same time, the 16 wounded, of whom we still do not know how many are minors, were transferred to two nearby hospitals. Colonel Marcello Salles, of the local police, explained that "one of the criminals was using a .38 caliber revolver" and the other had "a medieval weapon, a crossbow used with arrows". In turn, the attackers left several objects that, until the last minute, were badyzed by specialists to determine if they were explosives. "I have never seen anything like it in my life," he said with great sadness.

"A monstrosity and cowardice without size, my condolences to the families of the victims," ​​said Jair Bolsonaro, President of Brazil

"I've never seen anything like this in my life." Forensic Science identifies victims, "said Marcello Salles Coronel of the local police

For its part, the Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, s' expressed on Twitter and regretted what happened: "I address my condolences to the relatives of the victims of the inhuman attack which took place today at the school Escuela Raul Brasil de Suzano, in São Paulo … a monstrosity and a cowardess without size, may God comfort the hearts of all! "


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