Massacre in Mexico: 13 police officers killed in ambush – News


At least 13 police officers and five prosecutors died on Thursday in two armed clashes with criminal gangs in the state of Mexico, about 80 kilometers from Mexico City.

The first episode occurred in the municipality of Coatepec Harinas, when police officers and officials from the regional prosecutor’s office patrolling the area were ambushed and shot.

This led to the deaths of eight uniformed officers and five prosecutors, according to the news agency ANSA.

Later, in Almoloya de Alquisiras, a few kilometers from Coapetec Harinas, the same group – according to ANSA – ambushed and fired at another police patrol, killing five.

The attackers used powerful weapons and cluster grenades, and left five other soldiers seriously injured, according to police sources.

These events were considered one of the worst attacks on the security forces in recent years, after 15 police officers were killed by the Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel in April 2015.

For this reason, troops of the regional security forces were mobilized on the spot with the support of the army, the navy and the national guard.


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