Massacre in Mexico: 13 police officers were killed in an ambush


At least 13 police officers and prosecutors died Thursday in an ambush by a criminal group in the state of Mexico, in the center of the country.

“So far there is information about the death of eight elements of the Security Secretariat and five elements of the Attorney General’s Office“, According to a joint statement by the two organizations quoted by the agency Dpa.

The attack occurred in the community of Llano Grande, municipality of Coatepec Harinas. Eight officers from the Mexican State Attorney General’s Office and five members of the State Police were shot dead in the ambush.

The victims, according to investigative sources cited by the newspaper The universal, they traveled in a convoy which carried out patrol work to fight against criminal groups operating in this area.

According to reports, the group was traveling in a state police patrol car and van when they were ambushed and shot dead.

At least 13 soldiers killed (Photo: La Jornada newspaper)

A vast operation was organized throughout the region to find the attackers. Elements of the Security Secretariat and the prosecution took part, with the support of the National Guard, the National Defense Secretariat and the Navy Secretariat.

“The institutions that make up the Coordination for the Construction of Peace in the State of Mexico condemn this cunning and cowardly attack and they pledge not to go unpunished, ”the statement read.

How was the attack

The newspaper The day He said the attack was divided into three different actions in the municipalities of Coatepec Harinas and Zacualpan, in the south of the state of Mexico.

They shot 13 policemen

According to the newspaper’s version, an armed commando surprised six police officers from the Llano Grande community as they were about to start a patrol. According to the publication, the soldiers were on one side of the patrol and shot at them from a truck. bursts of large caliber weapons. They all died in the attack.

Seconds later, a few meters away, the armed commando opened fire on investigative police from the entity’s attorney general’s office. The van they were traveling in received more than 30 balls. He later clarified The day, a third attack was recorded against police officers who were traveling in a jeep patrol on the road to Zacualpan, still in the state of Mexico.

A criminal group from Michoacán, in the center-west of the country, operates in the region.


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