Massacre in New Zealand and the scourge of white supremacy: In 2018, Nazi propaganda increased by 182% in the United States.


After the New Zealand mbadacre, which left at least 49 dead and 48 wounded in attacks on two mosques in the city of Christchurch, reflects global concern over a series of acts of white supremacist terrorism In Occident.

A recent study has revealed that efforts to spread white supremacist propaganda (white supremacy) in the United States they increased by 182% in 2018, when 1,187 cases were counted against the 241 of 2017, as reported this month by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

The growth of white supremacist propaganda in the United States. University campuses have always been a goal, but communication is now expanding to other areas. (Source:
The growth of white supremacist propaganda in the United States. University campuses have always been a goal, but communication is now expanding to other areas. (Source:

The report – which follows the distribution of leaflets, stickers, advertisements and posters -, the ADL said that, in the face of increased public scrutiny, the supremacists have decided to stay anonymous and invisiblebut they have redoubled propaganda efforts to maximize the attention of the media and the public online.

According to the League of United States, propaganda cases mainly involved very active metropolitan areas, including the states of California, Texas, Colorado, New York, Illinois, Florida and Virginia. One of their main goals of these groups are the university campuses although, according to the study, propaganda incidents only increased by 9% compared to the 572% leap outside the study centers. Incidents that occurred outside university campuses went from 129 in 2017 to 868 last year, added this information.

The Anti-Defamation League archives also represent 319 propaganda incidents by white supremacy on 212 university campuses or colleges in 37 states and the District of Columbia. Propaganda includes supremacist language with explicit images and words of racismand target minority groups, including Jews, blacks, Muslims, non-white immigrants, and members of the LGTB community.

By organizations, followers of Identity Evrope responsible for the 191 incidents, while members of the Patriot before We have also documented cases in which neo-Nazi groups such as Vanguard America and The National Socialist Legion, as well as other groups like Traditionalist Workers Party.

The propaganda attempts of the movement Ku Klux Klan have increased relative to previous badessments, said the ADL, which has recorded 97 distribution cases of brochures in 2018, compared with 72 in 2017 and 78 in 2016. Acting public figures who have been the target criticism contained in this propaganda, the badysis mentioned the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomoand to the mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Bas.


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