Massacre in New Zealand: "I've seen people die before me" – 15/03/2019


The authorities of New Zealand They are trying to trace how the sequence of the shooting in the two mosques of Christchurch on Friday, March 15, which left 49 dead. And until the three detainees declare themselves, the police depend on the witnesses of those who were inside the mosques, or they pbaded by at the time of the attacks.

According to a man named Ramzan quoted by the newspaper The GuardianEverything was peace and quiet in the Al Noor Mosque until around 1:40 pm (9:40 pm Thursday night in Argentina), hell escaped. "It all started in the main room … I was on the side, so I could not see the shooter, but suddenly I saw people enter the room where I was standing, a little limp and blood on their hands", he explained to the British media.

According to Ramzan, in a wheelchair, the attack lasted about 7 minutes. "I heard people screaming, crying, I saw people falling from death in front of me. I could not move on my own, so I could not escape, "continued the man, who said he tried to go to the end of the temple in search of his wife." There were 20 people on my right, dead, and 10 on my left. I saw so many balls on the ground, hundreds, "he added.

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The attacker transmitted on Facebook a video of about 17 minutes. He is seen driving his car to the mosque, while on the pbadenger seat, several weapons are seen. The transmission shows that it happens instead, where he opened fire indiscriminately. After a few minutes, he leaves the scene, goes back into the car and continues to shoot people in the street through the window.

Civilians to the rescue

Farid Ahmed is another person who was in the place at the time the attack began. "I hid under a bench, legs apart, and realized that I was not breathing. He has reloaded the weapon seven times: boom, boom, boom. I would reload every time the bullets stopped, "he said. The Guardian.

A survivor of the attack at one of Christchurch's mosques speaks on the phone after the incident. / AP

A survivor of the attack at one of Christchurch's mosques speaks on the phone after the incident. / AP

In a testimony collected by The herald of New ZealandMohan Ibrahim said that he was inside when the shooting started. "At first we thought it was an electric shock, and then we started seeing people running. There are friends who were with me with whom I could not communicate yet. I'm scared, "he said.

A survivor who could not be identified told the TVNZ network that he had seen the attacker he shot a man in the chest. Another man, in dialogue with Radio New ZealandHe added that those inside the mosque started breaking windows in an attempt to escape. "He started shooting at them, everyone who thought he was alive, he shot them"he told.

Carl Pomare just pbaded by the place when he started seeing people who "ran for his life," he told the BBC. He joined his car to another person who was there and formed a rope to help those who left the mosque. "We were about six people who were outside, all civil, trying to help the victims," ​​he said. The badistance of these people was fundamental in the first moments after the attack because the ambulances they could not get to the place until it is determined that the danger has pbaded.

"The man shouted things pulling"

At the Linwood Masjid mosque, where the second attack took place, the survivors told the local media that they had seen an attacker with a A black helmet opens fire on nearly 100 people instead.

In the statements on the site TipsSyed Ahmed said he was hidden in the ablution hall, from where he could see the attacker. "He was shooting, and he shouted something by doing itbut it was not understood because of all the shouting. "Some people were killed during a prayer ceremony and, in most cases, it was older gentlemen sitting because they could not kneel – saw eight dead.

A victim of one of the attacks on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. / AP

A victim of one of the attacks on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. / AP

Farhaan Farheez was also praying as the shooting started. "I do not know which sound has a shot, when we pray, we are disconnected from the outside world (…) the shots continued, and the people inside were still praying", he explained.

Shopkeepers in the area said they heard the shots, but at first they thought they were jackhammers. Janine Richmond, who has a dental clinic 50 meters from the mosque, said Tips who heard about 20 shots around 13:50. He says that he went to see what it was and discovered that the area was cordoned off. She and the other shopkeepers locked themselves in their stores, until the police tell them that they can leave.

Source: The Guardian, BBC, The New Zealand Herald


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