Massacre in New Zealand: Users upload to YouTube a video per second of the massacre within hours – 18/03/2019


Youtube said Monday that he was withdrawing "dozens of thousands" videos of his platform that showed the terrorist attack last Friday in Christchurch, New Zealand, which left 50 dead and 50 wounded, and was broadcast live on Facebook.

The video platform explained that the volume of recordings of the attack downloaded to the network by the users "it's unprecedented so much for his ladder as for his speed", despite the fact that the initial transmission was eliminated almost immediately,

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

The speed at which videos were posted on YouTube in the hours following the attack reached a rate of one charge per second, said the social network which ensured that removed those stories that "favored or glorified what happened".

Although the usual procedure of the platform, property of Google, determines if a content must be removed violating its terms of use includes human moderators to look at the preselection done by an artificial intelligence system, in which case YouTube got rid of it and automated the process to speed it up

A total of 41 people were killed in the shooting at Al Noor Mosque. (AP Photo / Vincent Yu, File)

A total of 41 people were killed in the shooting at Al Noor Mosque. (AP Photo / Vincent Yu, File)

In this sense, Neal Mohan, product manager of the platform, told the Washington Post that "we are committed to rely on artificial intelligence instead of expect human revision, "adding that one of the negative aspects of this decision was that some videos which had nothing to do with the shooting were removed for the system. The executive has also opted to deactivate the research tool "recent sending" Youtube.

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"Like any other machine learning software, our matching technology continues l & # 39; improvementbut frankly, it's a work in progress, "admitted Mohan.

Although the software takes instant decisions whether you want to block a video or not, you can also be cheated: many users have downloaded copies with edited sequences so that they are not identified by YouTube, such as adding watermarks, cut pliers or, in some cases, manufacture animations people in the video.

Whoever is considered by the police as the only perpetrator of the mbadacre, the 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant, is in preventive jail. (Mark Mitchell / POOL / AFP)

Whoever is considered by the police as the only perpetrator of the mbadacre, the 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant, is in preventive jail. (Mark Mitchell / POOL / AFP)

"It was a tragedy that it was almost designed to become viral"We have made progress, but that does not mean we do not have a lot of work to do, and this incident has shown that, especially in the case of more viral videos like this, there is still work to be done. to do, "he said.

The horror in social networks

The fact that the mbadacre was retransmitted live put the to concentrate in social networks.

Facebook said Sunday that I had retired 1.5 million videos only in the first 24 hours, of which 1.2 million were removed from the platform before other users can see them.

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Meanwhile, a New Zealand judge on Monday indicted a teenager on two charges distribute the images of the attack in both mosques and for having published various documents the week before the attack, including images of the temples with the words "identified objective" and messages encouraging violence.

The one considered by the police only author of the mbadacre, the Australian Brenton Tarrant, 28, is in custody after being charged on Saturday with murder.

EFE / The Washington Post


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