The Brazilians Luiz Henrique de Castro, 25 years old and Guilherme Taucci Monteiro, 17, entered Wednesday at a school in the city of Suzano, São Paulo, and shot dead at least six children and two school officials. Then, the attackers put an end to their own lives, according to the local police.
The investigation indicates that Guilherme killed Luiz Henrique and then committed suicide. The police slipped that the two murderers had a "pact" according to which they would lead the attack and then kill themselves. Agree with O GloboThe two attackers were neighbors and alumni of the affected school.
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According to the Secretary of Public Security of Sao Paulo, João Camilo Pires of Campos, the motivation of the crime is still unknown.
On the other hand, it was learned that Monteiro was a weapons lover and a fan of Bolsonaro. In addition, the teenager left school last year after having "problems"said the official. Police said the attackers searched the Internet for information about murders in American schools.
The Facebook profile of Guilherme Monteiro, found by the Brazilian press, indicates a world of video games, sticks of arms and admiration for the defense of the liberation of arms that lead Bolsonaro and his family, what the head of state has always done.
According to Facebook's profile, Monteiro actively supported Bolsonaro during the election campaign. One of the first measures of the Bolsonaro government was a campaign promise: to ease the possession of weapons.
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The teenager has published photographs of Bolsonaro with the phrase "My candidate is supported by the police and his is wanted by her", compared to the former president detained Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, from the opposition Workers Party (PT). He also responded to the posts of deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of the president, carrying a weapon with the phrase: "You know why the movement of the landless does not invade my property".
In January, Bolsonaro and his Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro, has kept its election promise to make the carrying of weapons in homes more flexible.
The president condemned the episode as "cowardly" and "monstrous", while his son, MP Eduardo, compared owning a weapon to owning a car.
"My criticism is that there should be in Brazil," said Eduardo Bolsonaro, a study on the defensive use of the weapon and not aggressive use. "The weapon is a piece of metal, it hurts as much as a car. "Weapons do not kill anyone, what they kill are people, like knives, stones, guns".
Police are investigating whether a community of "gamers" on what's called the deep Internet or "deep Internet" would not have influenced the preparation of the mbadacre, according to the news network Worldbut in social networks, the teenager was a fan of weapons, with participation in such pages as "Eu Amo armas" and Portal Arma de Fogo.
The Facebook had already been disabled, but you could see 30 photos of Monteiro in the same clothes he had committed the mbadacre perpetrated at the Raul Brasil school in the city of Suzano, 56 kilometers from San Pablo.
Marcelo Salles, commander of the police force in Sao Paulo, said the suicide bombers were using at least one .38 caliber pistol, homemade bombs, axes, crossbow, bows and arrows.
Incidents involving weapons at school are not common in Brazil, despite the fact that the country records the highest number of annual homicides in the world. The latest gun attack in a school was held in 2011, when 12 children died in the hands of a former student of Rio de Janeiro.
Although gun control laws are very strict in Brazil, it is not difficult to buy a firearm illegally, according to Infobae.
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