Massacres in Yankee schools: three suicides for "the fault of the survivor" | Chronic


Two survivors of the February 14, 2018 mbadacre, who killed 17 people at High School Marjory Stoneman Douglas in Parkland, Florida, committed suicide. The father of a 6-year-old daughter died as a result of the attack that occurred at another facility in Sandy Hook.

Sydney Aiello, 19, committed suicide last week after suffering "the fault of the survivor ", according to the mother, told the media. The phenomenon occurs when the victim is questioned if he or she acted badly to survive a traumatic event while others could not.

Sydney Aiello I was 19 years old.

A second student from Parkland School, whose identity was not revealed, was found dead last Saturday and was convinced that it was also a suicide. After the news spread, parents, students, officials and teachers met urgently to discuss how to improve the therapeutic support provided to the victims of the shooting.

In the meantime, last Monday, they reported that he had committed suicide Jeremy Richman, 49, father of a 6 year old daughter, Avielle RichmanKilled during the attack on Friday, December 14, 2012 at the local Sandy Hook Elementary School, where 28 people died.

They found the father of a dead girl killed in the Sandy Hook mbadacre.

After the release of the third suicide, the Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, he said on Twitter: "This is horrible and devastating news."

My god C is a terrible news, horrible and devastating. Jeremy was a good friend and advocate for better research on the triggers of brain violence. He was with me in my office two weeks ago, as excited as I could be with the last extraordinary work of the Avielle Foundation.

– Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT)
March 25, 2019

"We will hold meetings with mental health experts from the city and county to ensure that our students, teachers and parents receive the education necessary to prevent these events," said Max Schachter, father of Alex, one of the 17 people killed in the shooting at Parkland.

On Twitter, they demonstrated with the slogan "17 + 2", to refer to the number of deaths that, in total, the attack has left.


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