Massive flight of British companies to Holland by Brexit


It has been reported by the British newspaper The Guardian.

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs has stated that has already attracted 42 companies and offices of these companies and 1 923 jobs in Britain since last year.

Among those who have decided to focus on Holland lie Discovery Channel, Sony and Bloomberg. But many companies are banking on the same migration.

Meanwhile, the UK Transport Ministry has canceled a controversial contract stipulated for a Brexit without EU agreements with a company, Sea freight, which should strengthen naval services in the Channel.

Controversy over the £ 13.8 million contract broke out immediately because Seaborne he does not even own a ship, the Guardian reported.

The ministry said it had canceled the contract after the Irish company Arklow Expeditionwho had obtained the guarantee of Seaborne, will be removed from the agreement.

"After this decision," said a ministry spokesman, "it was clear that Seaborne could not comply with the terms of the contract, so it was canceled.".

Seaborne It is one of three shipping companies that have won races to strengthen links with the continent in case of Brexit Difficult, for a total of 108 million pounds, although it has never operated a line of ferry.


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