Massive marches in France against anti-Semitism, after the desecration of 80 Jewish graves – 19/02/2019


France united against anti-Semitism and attacks against Jews. Thousands of voices, civil and political, Muslim, Catholic and lay, grandparents, parents and grandchildren, They joined at seven o'clock Tuesday night in a moving La Marseillaise on the Plaza de la República. The place where the French celebrate their elections, mourn their deaths as in the terrorist attacks of Charlie Hebdo or get together to reaffirm the values ​​of the republic in danger. The repudiation movement has spread throughout France. In Marseilles, Toulouse, Biarritz, Lille, Strasbourg, they all walked together, hands joined.

A former socialist president like François Hollande, the conservative Nicolas Sarkozy, the prime minister Edouard Philippe, deputies, senators, mayors, half of the government of Emmanuel Macron spontaneously gathered to repudiate this new wave of anti-Semitism which shame on the republic.

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A hatred that increased by 75 percent, according to the latest surveys. But this was expressed by some of the yellow vests in their mobilizations, which ended Saturday with the Jewish philosopher Alain Finkielkraut on the brink of lynching and savior by the security forces. Previously, they had crossed the symbolic face of Simone Veil, a survivor of concentration camps, with a swastika.

A horror that was reaffirmed Tuesday morning when 80 graves of the Jewish cemetery in Quatzenheim, near Strasbourg, were desecrated with the swastika, yellow and blue paint and a worrying sign: "Wolves of Alsace", a pro Nazi movement. President Emmanuel Macron showed solidarity during his first act of the day.

The march in Paris. Reuters

The march in Paris. Reuters

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A short and emotional program in the evening of the Plaza de la República to repudiate a serious hatred. At least twenty political parties, with the exception of Marine Le Pen's party, have joined Paul Valery's junior high school students as protagonists as emotional readings. Many people and a huge emotion of facing a French taboo: growing anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Jean Luc Melenchon, from France Insumisa, joined the movement in Marseille.

On the square was the former Socialist President Francois Hollande among the people, one of the convocators. "Anemism is a question that concerns all French people.National cohesion is a principle but also a mode of action.Anti-Semitism is a plague and we must be there so that the French can be themselves. Anti-Semitism is a matter for all Frenchmen, and we must fight it with all the energy, "said Hollande, who was applauded by the people.

Place de la Republique, at night, in Paris. AP

Place de la Republique, at night, in Paris. AP

And then former President Nicolas Sarkozy has arrived. "How can I not come?" Asked he. "It's okay for me to be here.You need authority.Some people insult the authority of the state and the state has to react.I am convinced that the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister will take the necessary measures against irresponsible attitudes and objectives that must cease.We must act now and firmly, "said Sarkozy at the Plaza de la República.

President Emmanuel Macron did not go to the square. He chose the Shoa Museum and the desecrated cemetery with swastikas as a tribute: "They must be ashamed and frightened" promised the French president, before laying a wreath at the Shoa Memorial in Paris, where he was received by Senate President Gérard Larcher and In March President of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, as well as the first lady, Brigitte Macron.

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On the Republic Square, Karim, a Muslim electrician in his yellow vest, repudiated the extremism of some of his peers. "Not in my name", he had written on his vest.

A large part of the jackets went to Plaza de la República to repudiate anti-Semitism and its badociation with them. "Our movement is fraternal, it's a social and non-religious anger," said Dunis to differentiate himself.

Another example is the case of Frédéric Mestedjian: "I am a yellow, Jewish and French vest, these anti-Semitic acts undermine the honor of France"he said.

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Gilles Le Gendre, former journalist and president of the group Marcha at the National Assembly, said that "in France, the republic adheres when the essential is at stake. The anti-Semitism is an intolerable taboo, a hard struggle that thrives.This evening, what you have to show, is that a vast majority do not want that.There is a legal arsenal that allows the sanction of anti-Semitic words. It must still be developed to punish antisemitic words on social networks, "he said.

In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced the desecration of the Jewish cemetery in northeastern France and described it as a shocking act by "anti-Semitic savages". One of his ministers asked the French Jews to leave France.



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