Massive poisoning in India: more than 100 deaths after taking a poisoned alcohol


Narendra Modi's government promoted a national operation against illegal production and sale Credit: DPA

INDIA.- Again, the sale of illegal alcohol is devastating. Now, in


At least 104 people have died since Friday in the
States of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarajand, north of
country, because of the consumption of adulterated alcohol.

The information was confirmed by the IANS news agency, which also reported that the largest number of dead, 54, was recorded in the city of Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh.

Faced with this situation, the Indian government of Narendra Modi has promoted a national operation against the production and sale of illegal alcohol.

Due to mbad poisoning, the dead had traces of methanol, also called wood alcohol, in the blood, because it was extracted from the dry distillation of tree trunks.

According to reports, the victims had consumed alcohol poisoned alcohol last Thursday and all the bottles seized seemed to come from the same source. As a result, some 30 people were arrested, including many smugglers.

The dead happened in the middle of the Kumbh Mela Hindu Festival
The dead happened in the middle of the Kumbh Mela Hindu Festival Credit: DPA

"According to the people affected, a man named Pintu would have arrived with 30 bags of bottles and sold them to anyone who would have drunk or died or at the hospital," Judge AK Pandey said.

In addition, the authorities have suspended more than 30 officials, including 10 police officers, for negligence or conspiracy to trade illegally.

The dead took place in the midst of the Hindu Kumbh Mela festival, a pilgrimage that takes place four times every twelve years and involves many millions of people and allows believers to receive the blessing of the saints and spiritual energy.

In India, a thousand people, mostly from the poorest sectors, die every year after consuming illegally produced alcohol, according to the National Office of Crime. Poor people are often affected because they can not buy branded drinks. Illicit liquor is cheaper and sometimes mixed with chemicals to make it more potent.

The sale of adulterated alcoholic beverages is an important activity in India because traffickers do not pay taxes and sell huge quantities of the product at very low prices.

DPA and AP agencies


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