Massive protests in Santiago de Chile for the increase of the metro


The 136 stations of the seven lines They form the network in the presence of the police and in some cases protesters who distributed leaflets and called for new protests were arrested by the police.


The protesters are clamoring an increase in the ticket price two weeks ago left the value of the most expensive stretch 830 Chilean pesos, about those 70 Argentine pesosto be like that one of the highest prices in Latin America.

The claims began on Monday, October 7 with the recording of a first "mass escape" (windlass jump performed by hundreds of people). The intensity and violence increased until Thursday. 41 inmates and he was described by the Under-Secretary of the Interior, Rodrigo Ubilla, as a "pure and clear crime".


Thursday, five windmills San Joaquin Station, south of the capital, were destroyed by protesters, while others sat at the edge of the platforms, which affected the movement of cars.

In addition, some 150 people who tried to enter the central station of Salvador were confronted with police officers to those who threw blunt objects, according to the police version, who responded with tear gas

In other seasons the protesters activated the emergency brakes on the wagonsresulting in a disruption of the flow, while on one of the lines, a person went down the tracks, which allowed the suspension of the service in more than 40% of the stations.

Today 's day should be as convulsive as yesterday, as the protesters called new breakouts on Twitter, with the hashtag #EvasionTodoElDia, this last night placed in first place trends in Chile. Between 7 and 15 October, 52 cases of mass escapes were recorded.

The government's response to the metro union

The spokeswoman for the executive, Cecilia Perez, expressed rejection of the government of Sebastián Piñera to the actions of escape. "Violence does not apply"He said." They think a thousand criminals, because that's what they are, when they attack defenseless guards, destroy the subway and hit passengers, do they do what it takes? This is incorrect, "said the spokeswoman.

At the same time, the Federation of Metropolitan Trade Unions said they shared "the legitimacy of the demand for limiting increases". The vice president of the entity, Erik Campos, He denounced the fact that the government reacted to the demonstrations "with excessive repression and that this would cause greater problems".

"We do not encourage or support violent actionsthey imply compromising the safety of workers and users, but measures such as station closures and police deployment call for more violence, "added the director, adding that unions were considering adopting measurements.


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