Massot is mocked by Durán Barba and compared him to Manosanta – News


The national deputy and president of the Bloc PRO in the lower house, Nicolás Mbadot, attacked this Monday the badyst and adviser of campaign of the macrismo,

Jaime Durán Barba, whom he compared in a tweet to "Manosanta" who personified the actor and comedian Alberto Olmedo and made fun of the political change of course followed by the defeat of the ruling party in PASO.

"Remarkable rotation of Manosanta …", said Mbadot in a text accompanied by a photo of Durán Barba next to another character of the character of Olmedo.

Remarkable rotation of Manosanta …

– Nicolás Mbadot (@Nicolas_Mbadot) August 26, 2019

Similarly, next to the advisor's picture, one can read three textual quotes: two before the STEP and one after, when the Front of all had defeated together for change by a wide margin.

In this sense, during his first meeting, on May 25, he spoke of the rare possibilities of Alberto Fernández, then a flamboyant presidential candidate of the Front of All: "He has no voice apart, nor the Cristina's harsh voice and her The image is negative It is unlikely that the governors with personality, the leaders who have a future, the young leaders of Kirchner are excited about this adventure. "

Another textual incident occurred last February when he spoke of a situation of terrible chaos, lack of institutionalization and belligerence if he won the Kirchner: "If Cristina wins the elections, she changes the Constitution and weapon the brave bars, his common prisoners of the Vatayón, an activist, to the motochorros and drug gangs to kill their opponents, we would have a similar guard. "

Mbadot added the last with a sign suggesting an "after" STEP and the appointment of the adviser in the Sunday Profile, where the tone of his previous message had been lowered: "Whatever the winner, it is necessary that Mauricio Macri and Alberto Fernández speaking and working together for the future of the country Denying the existence of the adversary is simply unreal, and, worse yet, trying to eliminate two political forces that represent ideas and real interests and four-fifths of the electorate. "


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