Mauricio Macri asked the opposition "responsibility and generosity" to discuss the new budget


The President spoke with APA radio San Pedro and celebrated the 111th anniversary of the city Source: Archive – Credit: Fabián Marelli

The President

Mauricio Macri
today called for "the responsibility, seriousness and generosity" of the opposition, in the face of the discussion on the budget next year.

The president said the government is "on track" to reduce the deficit, which it describes as a "backpack" that prevents the country from growing and growing.

"We are fine with the
reduction of public expenditure. And we hope to continue on this path. I hope the generosity of leadership in the discussion of the new budget. We must be responsible and serious, "said Macri, in dialogue with
San Pedro APA Radio

The president spoke with local radio after the 111th anniversary of the city.

"Today, we have the support of the whole world.

brought us the support that he brought us, historical. Never has a country received such a level of support. And now we have to separate and end up with 70 years of fiscal deficit, "said Macri.

" The growth opportunities are almost endless, if we take the backpack of a state that spends more than He does not produce. We must commit to achieving this balance. "

" Zero dangerous "

Regarding the agreement reached with the IMF, Macri said that he was "dangerous zero": "What is dangerous is that we, the Argentineans, were cheating and that we are looking for a shortcut, when we use Creole creativity badly and we are not responsible. acts, and when we seek responsible externally. "

In addition, the head of state talked about the increase

"The tariff is part of the magic Argentina and the lie, who said that the energy had no value and was almost free, if we did not do it, we ended up like Venezuela , where there is light only a few hours and we went there, in all parts of the world, the energy is expensive. "

On the other hand, Macri said that & # 39; 39, it is necessary to "give it a new role".
to the armed forces. "They had twentieth century goals, hypothetical conflicts that no longer exist, like the conflicts with Brazil, with Chile, it will not happen, we want more than 70,000 men and women to provide a service in the country, focusing on terrorism, we want to train them and reorient them. "

Regarding the political future of Cambiemos, the president said:" We are making the right effort, we want a future based on the freedom and quality of private employment.They said we would not last six months, I see the future of Cambiemos, I am very happy, we have built an agreement with different political forces based on respect and responsibility. "

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