Mauricio Macri asked to suspend the elections of deputies


Mauricio Macri wants to suspend the elections of deputies of the Parliament of Mercosur (Parlasur) to avoid "unnecessary expenditure". From Chile, where he participated in the first session of Prosur, the new integration project of the region, the president discussed the issue that had sparked controversy in the last presidential elections of 2015.

"Keeping unnecessary expenses costs a fortune which means creating a new group of representatives at Parlasur every election, "said Macri before the October 27 vote.

It costs a fortune to keep unnecessary spending on the creation of a new body of representatives in Parliament at each election.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 22, 2019

"I ask the National Congress of repeal the law that requires this renewal and that the same MPs and senators who represent us already do so in Parliament as Brazil and Uruguay do, "he added.

The Parlasur is a parliamentary badembly created in 2006 and functioning as a deliberative body of Mercosur, a regional bloc composed of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela and Bolivia.

I ask the National Congress to repeal the law requiring this renewal and to ensure that the same members and senators who represent us already do so in Parliament, like Brazil and Uruguay. .

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 22, 2019

Law 27 120 stipulates that Mercosur MPs are elected, as well as national and provincial executive and legislative offices. Therefore, in the presidential elections of this year 2019, the representatives should be renewed. They meet once a month at the Montevideo headquarters.

Argentina has 41 representatives in the Mercosur Parliament, who receive travel allowances for tickets and accommodation. The questioning of Parlasur's parliamentary election model is a pending application for reconsideration by Casa Rosada. The initiative, as two proposals, came from Change.

On the one hand, the bill of the MP Elisa Carrió, Civic Coalition – ARI and, on the other hand, Silvia Lospennato, member of the National Council of PRO.


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