Mauricio Macri at the gala dinner with the kings of Spain: we are convinced of what we are doing and we will not come back


Before dinner, Macri and King Felipe VI addressed a few words to the select group of guests who came to the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK), including First Lady Juliana Awada, Chancellor Jorge Faurie and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Josep Borrell, a foreigner to Spain, as well as leaders and businessmen from both countries.

During his speech, the Argentine President declared that the country was "on the path of a profound change" to "solve the deep problems that we dragged for a long time", but that last year "the world has changed, we are short of credit and we have had to accelerate this macroeconomic process".

"We have many projects and initiatives of great value," said the president, adding that, to develop them, "we need good partners and, in fact, history has shown that the Spaniards are our best partners."

In this regard, he stated that since his arrival as President he had personally proposed to "strengthen and develop our links with the Spanish people".


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"Unfortunately, under the previous government, we had irrational tensions and conflicts that, fortunately, did not break that relationship, which is ultimately unalterable. Today, Spain and Argentina are closer than ever, "he said.

In this regard, he said that the two countries are together "in the struggle for peace, multilateralism, climate change, organized crime and terrorism", and called for advancing "the tremendous opportunity to complete the agreement of the European Union ". Mercosur. "

"This opens up a range of endless opportunities for development for our communities," he said.

And he concluded: "I think that in a few months, the Argentines will dispel all the doubts that exist today about our electoral process, they will confirm that we have followed a course, that we are convinced of this. we do and we do not go back. "


Felipe VI: "We support Argentina as we have always done"

In turn, the Spanish king thanked "the hospitality and the affection" Argentines, and said that "the Spaniards do not feel like foreigners in Argentina, but as if we were at home".

Felipe agreed that today "they are going through a difficult time", but he is convinced that more opportunities will be generated to enhance trade and investment for mutual benefit. "

"Spain and Argentina know what it means to cope with unfavorable international situations that have a strong impact on our economies," said the King of Spain, who recommended, to come out, to adopt " a common and long-term vision of the economic and social reforms needed for implementation ".

"Spain has always chosen Argentina even in the most difficult times," said the Spanish monarch.

He concluded by stating that "Spain will continue its most important efforts to complete the negotiations of an badociation agreement between the European Union and Mercosur and will continue to support Argentina's candidacy for the OECD.


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