Mauricio Macri called Roberto Lavagna to ask for governance


Mauricio Macri please ask Roberto Lavagna To help you maintain governance. The official candidate for re-election yesterday contacted the man who had finished third in the primary school last Sunday to ask him to help calm the political and economic situation and thus be able to conclude his term which ends on December 10th.

The former Economy Minister had badured him that he would not do anything that could cause noise in the economy and had promised to rebadure the markets, while avoiding the risk of a financial crisis. engage in concrete steps.

In addition, they denied that it had been proposed to join the Cabinet of Together for Change.


Lavagna will look to replace Macri and take second place in October

After the historic defeat he suffered at the polls, Macri contacted Lavagna and José Luis Espert, two of his rivals who, he hopes, could vote to try a miracle on October 27. On the contrary, there was still no communication with Alberto Fernández, who, if the result of PASO is repeated, will badume the next president.


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