Mauricio Macri celebrated the export of dulce de leche in Japan


"Very good! Dulce de leche in the gondolas of a Japanese supermarket. Argentine products will go from a market of 44 million to a market of more than 7 billion," he has typed the president. on Twitter showing a bottle of dulce de leche exported to Japan, when replaying a user.

"The main purpose of today's Hiroo walk is actually Kore.Loaded argentino leche (caramel cream with milk ).Sweet cream that we can also call national food.Finally, it ended up being sold normally in Japan Azabu national supermarket 450 g, 645 yen (taxes included) I did not find it in the corner jams and I searched a lot, "wrote the Japanese user, retweeted by Macri.

The 450-gram bottle costs about $ 220 in Japan.


To integrate

Very good! Dulce de leche in the gondolas of a Japanese supermarket. Argentine products are going all over the world to move from a market of 44 million to another market of more than 7 billion

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) January 30, 2019

For his part, the President Mauricio Macri He led a meeting Wednesday with part of his cabinet at the Olivos Residence, where the decision of the governor of Buenos Aires, Maria Eugenia Vidal, was badyzed not to deploy the elections in the province.

The extinction of the dominion was another subject of interest of the executive at the meeting, in the presence of the Senator of Cambiemos Luis Naidenoff, who occupies the vice-presidency of the Bicameral of the legislative procedure.

Vice-President Gabriela Michetti also attended the meeting chaired by Macri, alongside Finance Ministers Nicolás Dujovne; of production, Dante Sica and Defense, Oscar Aguad.


The government has eliminated the sports secretariat through a DNU

Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie also attended the meeting after Macri on Tuesday received Elisa Trotta Gamus, Venezuelan ambbadador to Buenos Aires, appointed by the interim president of Venezuela, appointed by the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó.

The Deputy Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Argentine Government of Modernization, Andrés Ibarra, also participated in the Cabinet.


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