Mauricio Macri claimed the sovereignty of Argentina over the Falklands and asked "to build a consensus that transcends governments" – 04/02/2019


On the occasion of the new anniversary of the beginning of the Malvinas war, President Mauricio Macri claimed Argentine sovereignty over the islands and invited to "build a consensus that transcends governments".

He said this morning in the morning, when he received a hundred veterans and relatives of soldiers killed during the Falklands Malvinas war in the residence of Olivos.

"I want to give today a special affection for the relatives and friends of war victims and our veterans, who are our heroes. I hope you all feel a hug at the soulIn the heart, on behalf of all Argentines, "Macri began.

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"The memory of the dead fills us with sadness, but it makes us think about the challenges we have as a country." The claim on the Falkland Islands it's legitimate and irrevocable and unites all Argentines beyond all differences. To move forward, it is clear that we must build a consensus that must transcend governments. We will do it using the tools of dialogue and respect. It's a long process, much more than we would like, "he added.

The head of state had discovered a few minutes before a plaque in the honor of the 649 fallen next to the flagpole at Plaza Seca, it was the first tribute of this kind to the ex-combatants at the presidential residence commemorating the 37th anniversary of the conflict with the United Kingdom.

The plaque bears the caption "Permanent Homage of the Argentine State to its Heroes of the Falkland Islands and Islands of the South Atlantic".

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In addition to the President and Minister of Human Rights, Claudio Avruj, the Minister of Defense, Oscar Aguad, the highest authorities of the armed forces and chiefs of staff, as well as a hundreds of family members and veterans. .

Later, from 11 years old, it was planned in Plaza San Martín the central act of the day, in which one of the black granite plates would be replaced by the legend "Argentine soldier only known to God", who remained at Darwin's cemetery for 37 years, for a tombstone bearing the name and surname of the fallen soldiers at during the last years.

To these tributes will be added others, especially in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Chubut, Neuquén, Santa Fe, Corrientes, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero and Catamarca.


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