Mauricio Macri closed his visit to India and said: We are on the right track – 19/02/2019


"We do not give more and we still need a trip, but it was spectacularBetween exhausted by the raid of meetings and satisfied with the positive balance which, according to the government, was the tour through India, a civil servant reflected the thermometer of what the president and the official delegation lived. Clarin It was before they boarded the plane in Mumbai, bound for Hanoi, Vietnam, the official second stopover of Mauricio Macri. But before leaving the country of Mahatma Gandhi, the head of state sought to reinforce the message addressed to Argentine businessmen and local investors gathered at the Business Forum organized as part of the state visit.

What is Macri's account of his stay in India? "I am happy with this visit, knowing that at every step, with every leader and with every leader I've spoken to, starting with the Prime Minister, we share this vision, namely that the world is a challenge but also opportunities, "he said.

Everything was not political or commercial. The president devoted part of the few hours spent in Mumbai to honor the victims of the terrorist attack of 2008, he met the authorities of The Art of Living, the foundation that offers breathing clbades.

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The President stressed his belief that "facing a world that poses many challenges, if we work together, the possibilities for the future will be enormous"

"Therefore, I wish to invite you to participate in this way of integration and the establishment of deep links between our countries," said the head of state at the meeting held at the Hotel Taj Mahal in Mumbai.

He pointed out that three years ago, Argentina "entered a transformation phase by integrating intelligently, pragmatically and flexibly into the world".

"And as never before in the history of our country, we have received constant support from the international community, which really confirms that we are on the right track," he added.

He stressed that "we have excellent relations with India and share the enthusiasm to strengthen economic ties in areas of common interest".

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"I like to find as many companies participating in this forum and I think it's a great opportunity" for that "In this way, we really enjoy all the potential that we share "he said.

"You are invited to invest in Argentina, to be part of this way of integration and deep relations between our countries," he said in another part of his speech.

He said that these bilateral meetings between entrepreneurs should be used to find ways to "complement and badociate".

"And to face together not only the supply of India and Argentina, but also Asia and all of America, which are very interesting markets for all our companies," did he declare.

The President said that during these three years, Argentina "integrates with the world in an intelligent, pragmatic and flexible way."

He stressed that "as never before in the history of our country, we have won the support of the international community ".

In the same way, he said that this collaboration can occur "also in many other areas where the talent of many Argentines and Indians can be strengthened".

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He stressed that "the population, the demographic and economic growth of India and the ability of Argentina to produce food and energy project a great complementarity of our economies".

He stated that the audience he had with Prime Minister Narendra Modi "was very productive" and stressed that the fact that the Prime Minister has met five times in recent years "not only testifies to It is a chemistry, but of the affection that exists between our people and the same vision that we share about the enormous common potential ".

He stressed that "we want to generate complementarity and badociativity between companies in order to improve technological developments and generate a positive synergy between the largest number of productive sectors".

In this regard, he said that our fundamental interest is to share and cooperate among our countries in different areas "and mentioned, inter alia, knowledge-based services, conventional and renewable energy, tourism and mining.

He stressed that Argentina "is open to the world and think that India shares the same challenges", "It is very important that we understand that, if we face together the main challenge as a society, to reduce poverty, For those who have more and those who have less, our ability to succeed is much greater, "he said.

"I am happy with this visit, knowing that at every step, with every leader and with every leader I've spoken to, starting with the Prime Minister, we share this vision, that the world is a challenge but also an opportunity, "he added.


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