Mauricio Macri declared assets for 151 million dollars: the majority invested in Argentine bonds


Mauricio Macri has increased his badets by 51% over the last year, said badets of $ 151 million and indicated that he was investing mostly in Argentine debt bonds, according to his 2018 affidavit presented to the Office anti-corruption (OA).

The presentation of the head of state to the OA That did not include the blind trust he had created in April 2016 because, as he then explained, "guarantees the transparency" of his direction during his stay at Casa Rosada.

In October 2018, Macri decided to invest the bulk of his fortune in Argentine financial instruments: bought $ 39 million worth of bonds at par and $ 54 million of performance bonds In addition to keeping the $ 6 million of bonds of Buenos Aires acquired in 2016.

The President also stated that he had participated in five properties in the country: 30% of an apartment with garage in the city of Buenos Aires; 100% of a lot to Tandil, his hometown, and Pato Pluma; and 25% of three lots in Pilar.

In his affidavit, he recalled that he had bought a 33,000 square meter property in Maldonado, Uruguay, which reported an amount of $ 7,419,600 in 2016, but which, due to the devaluation, was worth $ 15 million last year.

Thus, the president's fortunes went from $ 99,876,155.31 as at December 31, 2017 to $ 151,688,684.18 reported during his recent presentation to the OA.

Affidavit of Macri


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