Mauricio Macri: "Everybody devalues ​​against the dollar"


In Cordoba, Macri spoke of the rise in the exchange rate. Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

CORDOBA. President

Mauricio Macri

He argued that it is very important to understand that the dollar today is rising "everywhere in the world, there are things going on with the world. Today we have a serious monetary policy, we produce almost the same amount that we need, if the world is devalued.With respect to the dollar, that does not mean that, because we are stronger, we will not devalue, is the first time in decades that Argentina enters a crisis with certain rules and goes out with them ".

He insisted that "70 years are not corrected in three and that today we are better than in 2015." He reiterated that the plant had stopped printing money, that the statistics were "real", that infrastructure works were underway. "Returning would be a disaster for Argentina, I am convinced of what I am doing, I'm leaving this life.We have to accept it, keep pulling the car." He said we must confirm to the world that "we will not go back, there is no future in populism, we are building a future," he said.

"We have today a serious monetary policy, with the entry of the harvest and with the dollars sent by the


We will have a balanced current account. It costs, it costs more to arrive at the end of the month, but that is the way; these are the correct bases, "said the president at the Cordoban Cadena 3 radio station.

Macri left the theater Del Libertador after the first part of the
inauguration of the International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE); He did not listen to the writers who spoke at the opening because he went to a neighbor's neighborhood Juniors. He said that he had visited Carolina and her family.

She had written to him on Facebook and shared in a conversation that things were difficult, but that "it's the right way, we do what needs to be done". In the interview, he reiterated some of the concepts he had insisted on in recent days. He stressed the lack of credit – "because there has always been a budget deficit" – which affects production and the ordinary citizen, but he badured that "now we act seriously".

"We are coming out of a process in which we are short of credit, when the crisis has occurred because the world has closed credit to emerging countries," he said throughout his speech on the issue. the largest number of flights in the country, the projects the miners, the "transparency" in the offers, the new infrastructure and asked "to listen to those who visit us, the leaders of the major countries who said" congratulations to the presidency for what they do "".

"We have a future, in economic reforms there was a frightening starting point, more than we lacked credit plus drought, at no time there is more darkness than before the year before. dawn, "he said, adding that" the failure is Venezuela. "

"I would be the first to want to be a magician to help them all, with every decision I make, I do it with the best in mind, that's the way," he said.


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