Mauricio Macri has released a video with a message for Venezuelans – 27/01/2019


President Mauricio Macri sent a message this afternoon to Venezuelans in the midst of a political, social and humanitarian crisis in the Caribbean.

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Through the social network Twitter, the president sent them a "force" to deal with adversity. Argentina was one of the first countries to recognize Juan Guaidó as legitimate president.

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Dear Venezuelans, I would like to send you, in my name and on behalf of all Argentineans, a sincere hug. And to tell you that here, from Argentina, the Argentines as well as their compatriots settled in our country, we want to send forces. The strength to continue to fight and work together for Venezuela in the peace that you all deserve.

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Argentina, as a member of the Lima group, recognized as acting president Juan Guaidó, president of the National Assembly. Colombia, Peru, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and Paraguay did the same. The United States and Israel have also added their support.

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At the same time, Spain, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Portugal, the Netherlands and the European Union as a whole announced Saturday that they "will act" if the elections are not announced "in the coming days". Uruguayan Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the OAS, also supported the interim president.

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On the contrary, Uruguay, Cuba, China, Bolivia, Mexico, Russia, Iran, North Korea and Turkey favored Nicolás Maduro, 56, as legitimate president .

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Guaidó was proclaimed Wednesday last interim president of Venezuela before a crowd of followers in Caracas, after which he was recognized by the United States. Maduro responded by announcing the breakdown of relations with the United States.


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