Mauricio Macri imagines in the opposition | He compared …


Two months after the parliamentary elections in October, in which the Frente de Todos formula appears as a favorite, President Mauricio Macri acknowledged that as of December 10, he would likely become an opposition: "If you have to be in opposition"he says, he would support the things in which he believes. "The most important thing for us is to move forward"Said the president at the end of Coninagro's annual conference, with reference to the fight against inflation, a mission in which his administration failed.

"It is essential to clarify how we will achieve these things so that the winner will finally commit to supporting the other.I am convinced.We must be part of the opposition, we will support these things because we believe.The most important thing for us is to move forward, that the Argentineans are better, but it would also be good for others to say this way that we agree, that's how we will achieve them, "concluded the president who asked during the election campaign to be judged by the indexes of poverty and the fight against inflation.

While the land bosses are offering money in exchange for votes for Together for Change, Macri has renewed its commitment to the sector and has softened the meeting with industry co-ops. In the middle of the countryside, the President He promised to eliminate source deductions, credits for the field and reduce the tax burden, although he did not specify the dates he could do it. and he limits himself to promoting his re-election by stating that, for these proposals to be implemented, it takes "time", because "three years are not enough".

Identifying as a farmer more, Macri discussed the simplification of the affidavits required for export, the "cuckoo of the AFIP" and the digitization of procedures in Senasa, an agency that fired 330 workers under the leadership of Minister Luis Etchevehere.

"Before entering the Senasa, it was like entering the KGB. For all, it was necessary to go up to the apartment, to make hundreds of kilometers to take a paper, then to look for it again. Today, the Senasa does everything in digital, all these procedures are done by farmers in their field, "said the president.

In the absence of other figures, Macri celebrated the beneficial reduction of affidavits against the same employers who offer a bonus of five thousand pesos to their workers.
"If Mauricio Macri pbades in the second round," said Gonzalo Blasco, producer of Tucuman and former candidate of Cambiemos.

"The same thing with the AFIP, that of seven affidavits that had been invented under the previous government, there is more than a sworn statement," celebrated the president, who owns three plots in Pilar with a total area of ​​49.5 hectares, a plot of 1998 hectares in Pluma de Pato, quoted at 4.6 million pesos, and a farm in Maldonado, in Uruguay, at 15 million pesos, according to his affidavit.

In a plan of promises, the president again explained the tough defeat in the elections proposed by the candidate of the Front of All, Alberto Fernández, invoking the "polling vote". "We are convinced that on October 27, we will ratify this course. Convaincons some who are angry that all we have accomplished is doing a lot, "he concluded.


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