Mauricio Macri is preparing for the "Million March" and they have already prepared the ground in front of the obelisk


Mauricio Macri is expecting a massive march this Saturday at 17 years old in the obelisk, where the government has already set up part of the scenario from which the president will address his supporters during the precedent of the second presidential debate to be held Sunday at the Law Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires Aires (UBA).

The invitation to the event, called the "million of march" spreads through social networks and although the epicenter of attention is in the center of Buenos Aires, the march should take place in 30 different cities, all at 17 years old. Even the call has been extended to Argentines living in other cities of the world. Barcelona, ​​Asunción, Mexico City, London, are just a few examples.

The scene mounted a few meters from the obelisk, July 9. Credits: Twitter - @carlbonifatti.
The scene mounted a few meters from the obelisk, July 9. Credits: Twitter – @carlbonifatti.

For the event a cut in all the city center and from the organization they assured that giant screens will be available within a six-block perimeter around the obelisk. To carry out a massive photo, the government demands that activists and their supporters be deployed along 9 de Julio Avenue.

A widespread capture by the government. Credits: press together for change.
A widespread capture by the government. Credits: press together for change.

The scene will look north of the city, and it has not yet been defined where the president will enter. During previous mobilizations, much less massive, he arrived on foot or at the back of a van, which compromised the presidential security. The scenario, this Saturday, will be different and the containment operation will have to be more important.

Macri, in one of the steps of
Macri, in one of the steps of the "Yes, you can". Credits: NA.

In radicalism, they are excited by the fact that this act recalls the historical closure of Raúl Alfonsín, in 1983, when he recited the preamble of the Constitution. On this occasion, in addition to the President, the vice-presidential candidate, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, is on the list of speakers. MP Elisa Carrió and the Head of Government of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

This Saturday will not be the closing ceremony, but perhaps the most important of the entire campaign. The last Macri presentation will take place in Córdoba, on October 24, at Vélez Sarsfield Square, in front of the Patio Olmos. Three days later, national elections will be held. You will have to try to fool yourself in front of Alberto Fernández.


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