Mauricio Macri met with Donald Trump on economic reforms in Argentina and received new support from the United States.


US President Donald Trump and Mauricio Macri had a phone conversation Wednesday about the Argentina's economic reform and the "regional challenges". The main topics of conversation between the two leaders were briefed by the White House.

The two leaders discussed President Macri's important economic reforms as well as regional challenges: President Trump he expressed his strong support Judd Deere, a spokesman for the United States Government.

This is not the first time that Trump and Macri have entered remote telephone communication. They had already exchanged words before the holding of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. It was September 4, when the US President stressed that the Argentine President "does a great job with this difficult economic situation ".

On this occasion, Trump issued a statement in which he referred to his telephone conversation with Macri. "I have transmitted the strong support of the United States during this difficult time for them, "he said.

Heads of State they talked for 15 minutes about the ongoing "technical" negotiation with the IMF and the new global scenario of the economy. "Argentina is a strategic partner US and Macri are doing a great job in the face of economic and financial difficulties, "Trump said in September.

News in development being updated.


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