Mauricio Macri, more intimate than ever: the accident that almost cost him his life, the pending bills and the fragile health of his father – 07/02/2019


Intimate, reflective, authentic. Without the flashes pointing to his face nor the sound of the routine. Thus, as never before, Mauricio Macri reviewed his life with the philosopher and counselor Alejandro Rozitchner, a day of 60 years.

It was a 16-minute interview during which the President of the Nation left aside the current situation of the country to evoke its most intimate side: his family, projects pending, his opinion on death and how is today the relationship with his father, Franco, who is of a very delicate health.

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"I have trouble baduming this figure because when my old man turned 60, I was able to say," How old is he? " "Of course, I was 30. It seemed to me that it was an impossible age to reach." I am small because I am not 60Macri started the dialogue around his impending birthday.

He then badyzed that "old age is crossing you in the spirit". And he remembered an episode that had almost cost him his life: "I almost killed myself at age 39, because I started to get by with my 40s and hit a tree to ski in the United States. I spent nine days in intensive care. I did something in this totally irrational forest that brought me to attack trees, because I wanted to prove to myself that I was 20 years old. It was a stupidity that almost cost me my life. "

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In addition to thinking of the "wisdom" that gave him years to confess that he was training every day before 7 am and that he was considered "anxious", Macri said he had several accounts pending once he left the public service. "I want to learn how to cook well, I want to know more about landscaping, I would also like to know more about the digital world, which is pretty basic, I have several late books, I like to devote more time to cinema, to series … letters … ", he said.

When asked if he imagined himself president of the nation a few years ago, Macri threw a "no a palos". And he continued, "I thought I was going to be president of Boca, maybe mayor, and less, I thought I would be dad at that age and that I had a relationship with Antonia, things that surprise you and make you feel young. "

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Macri spoke in this regard of the place occupied by the affections in his life. "The most important thing at this age is affection, but many say it and do not internalize it, it is for me a central issue, especially in the task that I fill, which is the public service, often very ungrateful to the affections that nourish me and energize me ". Then he added: "Before being very immature, especially in my relationship, I was much more selfish, I did not know how to share. And with my kids, I've always been very affectionate, but I put them with other things to challenge the time. Not today, today I am when they ask me. With Antonia and even with Valentina, I am much more ".

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Finally, Rozitchner asked him how he got along with death. And while Macri was saying that he was "starting to socialize", he was deepening the subject and even talking about his relationship with Franco: "I hope to have a quick death, I do not want to be stuck in the life of my father, who is here and is not here. He has been lying there for over a year and if he has a moment of lucidity, he must have a very bad time. Because he has to become aware of his inability to do and his loss of vitality. "

With a touch of emotion, the president later stated that his last conscious contact with his father had taken place a year ago. "Last time he asked me to give him a pill to take him out of here. Imagine, this can not be done. I can not do anything anymore. It depends on the badistance of a third party. And I said, "I can not, dad, you can not." "


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