Mauricio Macri, on inflation: "It cost us more than I imagined, I was too optimistic" – 02/07/2019


Mauricio Macri again spoke Thursday about inflation, one of the issues that has been raising the most questions since the October elections. The President admitted that the resolution of this problem had cost him more than he had imagined and reiterated that he was "too optimistic" when he said at from the campaign for the presidency that it was very easy to fight against rising prices.

"Inflation is combated by not spending more than one.This cost us dearly, Argentina drags this problem several decades ago. It has cost more than you imagine. In this maybe I was too optimisticHe admitted.

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In a dialogue with FM 100.1 Radio Costa, Macri also said that the closing of 2018 "was very traumatic" and stated that "there is still much to be done, there are still things to be solved for that the economy is recovering ".

News in development.


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