Mauricio Macri receives the Presidents of Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay to mark the birth of Prosur – 03/18/2019


This Thursday, a photo in the residence of Olivos will do the story. Mauricio Macri will host a luncheon during which the joint candidacy of Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay will become the official "host country" of the FIFA World Cup. world 2030.

But at the same time, in this space, presidents go to describe the joint declaration that Friday 22nd will be read in Santiago with the presence, in turn, of several leaders of the region: this will give Born in Prosur, a new mechanism of definitions and discussion in South America, which will destroy the Union of South American nations.

Sebastián Piñera, Mario Abdo Benítez and Tabaré Vazquez, who will arrive on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, will attend the meeting with Macri and other Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Chancellors of Parliament. Conference on South-South Cooperation of the United Nations in Buenos Aires.

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Macri, along with Chancellor Jorge Faurie, will host PABA + 40 (as the name of the summit), in Buenos Aires, where, after several disputes, will be the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres.

But Macri will take advantage of the international meeting in Buenos Aires to meet with his regional allies and begin to define the future of Prosur, whose main engine was Piñera. The idea so far is that the new organization do not generate state expenditures as generated by Unasur, which requires contributions, and which has no headquarters or dependent institutions. They insist that it be a "mechanism", a space or a forum for discussion.

Macri will travel Friday to the Chilean capital, where Colombian Iván Duque has confirmed his presence. Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro – who will be with Donald Trump in Washington on Tuesday -; the Ecuadorian Lenin Moreno and Paraguayan Mario Abdo. But Piñera also invited the presidents of Uruguay, Guyana and Suriname. It was said that Guaidó would also participate in the meeting as president in charge of Venezuela, recognized by most leaders of the region, with the exception of Uruguay.

By the way, Argentina and five countries have announced that they are leaving "temporarily" Unasur (with Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru) and have suspended their participation. They did so while Bolivia badumed the pro tempore presidency of the body to which the Brazilian Lula da Silva, the late Venezuelan Hugo Chávez, gave birth, and to which Néstor and Cristina Kirchner had actively participated. This body searched to separate the United States from the region as opposed to the OAS.

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Unasur was born in 2008 with the 12 countries of South America. It took important steps to preserve democracy and avoid conflict, but when the political sign in the region changed, it fell out of favor. Partly because they all claimed more pressure against the Maduro regime, as the crackdown increased. Nothing has been done. Today & # 39; hui Only Venezuela from Uruguay, Guayana, Bolivia, Suriname and Maduro remainin a country crossed in two.

Recently, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru announced that they were permanently withdrawing from the Union. And Lenin Moreno had two strong gestures; he who announces that the Unasur building in Quito will be used for other purposes and that that of removing a statue of Néstor Kirchner (the first general secretary of Unasur) from the doors of the Unasur building In fact, the latter was a decision of the Ecuadorian Congress which considered the statue as a "symbol of corruption".

Meanwhile, Prosur divides the waters with his birth. And in turn, in Brazil, Bolsonaro does not enjoy the same support for the idea of ​​the new organization among the Itamaraty diplomats.

Uruguayan Vázquez also did not answer in the affirmative. The Frente Amplio has a deep alliance with Chavismo, which has earned it strong criticism from the opposition in this country. But at a recent meeting with Macri in the presidential ranch of Anchorena in Colonia, Tabaré agreed to call for "free and credible" elections.



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