Mauricio Macri spoke about the protests in Cuba and called for “the end of the dictatorship”


In the midst of the protests in Cuba, which surprised the government of Miguel Díaz-Canel, former Argentine President Mauricio Macri addressed his support “to the Cuban people who took to the streets to demand an end to the dictatorship”.

“I want support the Cuban people who took to the streets to demand the end of the dictatorship and that they urgently improve their living conditions, ”Macri said in a video posted on the Instagram social network account.

In this context, the former president underlined: “I want you to know that all the peoples of the continent and of the world, who share the value of freedom, accompany them and support Cuba.

SOS Cuba. We are with youMacri concluded in a short video that he uploaded to his social networks with the following description: “I support the Cuban people who demand an end to the dictatorship. ”

In harmony, the head of government of the city of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, addressed his support to the Cuban people, and considered that it was “essential that their rights be respected”.

“I send all my support to the Cuban people who have taken to the streets to demand their freedom,” Rodríguez Larreta posted on his Twitter account.

Former Buenos Aires governor María Eugenia Vidal also joined in expressions of support, who said she hoped the Cuban government “will listen to its demands for freedom in a peaceful manner.”

“All my support for the Cuban people who are in the streets today, claiming their human rights. We hope that the government will listen to his demands for freedom in a peaceful manner, without further repression or abuse“Vidal tweeted.

IDEA supported the Cuban people

Mauricio Macri too repudiated Cuba’s “communist dictatorship” in a document he signed with the heads of state and government participating in the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA).

In the document, they expressed their “solidarity with the Cuban people” and its support in the “inflexible struggle for the conquest of freedoms”.

They also urged the international and inter-American community to provide “assistance” to Cuba, so that “the nation of this sister republic may be the beneficiary of humanitarian aid and vaccines recognized for its care in the face of the universal pandemic”.

In addition, the IDEA warned that “no government can raise the flag of sovereign and internal affairs in situations which generally and systematically undermine the application of human rights and their effective protection”.

The text is signed by former presidents Mauricio Macri (Argentina), Laura Chinchilla (Costa Rica), Alfredo Cristiani (El Salvador), Vicente Fox Quesada (Mexico), Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle (Chile), Osvaldo Hurtado (Ecuador Luis) and Alberto Lacalle Pou (Uruguay), among others.

Alberto Fernández’s position

The head of state considered that the problems in Cuba “must be solved by the people”, although he was very critical of the economic blockade of the island.

“I I don’t know what’s going on in Cuba, but let’s end the blockades. The peoples must resolve the way they want to live, if we are to foster their peace, ”Fernández said in statements to Radio 10.

In this sense, the President continued: “At the G20, I called for an end to the blockages in the world. The one who suffers from it is not a government, but the people. In the midst of a pandemic, maintaining blockades is the least humanitarian thing there is. “

Demonstrations in CubaIn addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Thousands of Cubans took to the streets of Havana and other parts of the island on Sunday to protest shortages, high food prices and power outages.

All the photos of the demonstrations and the international condemnation of the detention of opponents and journalists in Cuba

The day of protests in Cuba was one of the largest in decades against the Castro regime, which described the protests as a campaign promoted on social media by its critics outside the island.

“As if pandemic epidemics weren’t all over the world, Icuban-american mafia, paying very well on social networks to influencers and YouTubers has created a whole campaign … and called for protests across the country, ” said President Miguel Díaz-Canel.



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