Mauricio Macri will meet Jair Bolsonaro and Iván Duque to discuss the crisis in Venezuela


With the crisis in Venezuela As a central axis, Mauricio Macri will receive in the coming days his counterparts from Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, and from Colombia, Iván Duque. The leaders will try to define a common position in relation to the dramatic situation in the Caribbean country under the Chavez regime Nicolás Maduro.

The first meeting will be with Bolsonaro, who will travel this Thursday in Argentina. The visit will take place a few days after the meeting between his son Eduardo Bolsonaro, head of the main committees of the Brazilian Parliament, and the chief of staff, Marcos Peña, and the secretary for strategic affairs, Fulvio Pompeo. In addition to meeting with Macri, the Brazilian president will attend meetings with members of Congress and the judiciary.

Beyond the fact that the situation in Venezuela will be the focus of the dialogue between the two presidents, it is expected that they will sign cooperation agreements the recently established Mercosur and Prosur (Forum for the Progress of South America) nuclear and defense development, integrated by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador , Paraguay, Peru and Guyana.

A few days ago, the two leaders met by telephone and agreed on the need for move forward with a common position try to conclude a free trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union.

Meanwhile, next Sunday, the Colombian president arrives in the country and will have dinner that day with Macri at the residence Olivos. The next day they will have meetings where they will discuss the situation in Venezuela as a central axis and during which they will also strengthen their links in terms of trade, education and defense.


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