Mauricio Macri's government has expressed support for President Lenin Moreno


In the midst of the massive demonstrations that are shaking Ecuador against the adjustment imposed by the IMF, the Argentine government has ratified support for the president of this country, Lenín Moreno. He did so by decorating an official appointed by the questioned president.

This is the Ecuadorian ambassador to Buenos Aires, Diego Fernando Yépez Lasso, who was appointed in diplomatic representation by the head of state in July 2017. By Decree 701/2019 published Thursday in the Official Journal, the government has decorated the Ecuadorian leader with "the Order of May on merit, in the degree of great cross. "

The official text, which bears the signatures of the President Mauricio Macri and the Chancellor, Jorge Faurie, It was noted that Yepez Lasso "has earned the honor and recognition of the nation". The May Order of Merit is a decoration awarded "exclusively to foreign civilian and military citizens who have distinguished themselves for their personal service and work and who deserve the recognition of the Nation".

Last Tuesday, the government had expressed "strong support for the validity of the rule of law" in Ecuador "in the face of political and social instability in recent days" and this, due escalating the tension in several areas of this territory, he forced the administration of Lenín Moreno to move the headquarters of the Quito executive in Guayaquil.

Moreno faces strong resistance from popular sectors in Ecuador after the adjustment it has led with the approval of the Monetary Fund. Ecuador's request for a $ 4,200 million loan has been to reduce fuel subsidies, increasing the value of gasoline by 25 per cent and, as a result, increasing transit ridership. Moreno accuses the former president and his former mentor, Rafael Correa, of encouraging demonstrations against him.


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