Mauricio Macri's message to Indian entrepreneurs: "They must come to find partners and sell Argentine labor"


Before the intense official program of New Delhi, India, President Mauricio Macri left a message to more than 100 entrepreneurs who accompany her in search of new business in the Asian country. "They have to come find partners and one sell Argentine labor ", said the president, who will seek to strengthen bilateral ties and attract investment, mission for which more than 500 meetings are planned.

"I am happy that there are many Argentine businessmen", said the head of state to the envoys of Clarin and The nation. The president is accompanied by a delegation of officials and 120 businessmen. The agenda of Macri India, which will also include the city of Mumbai, will last two days and will be the first stop of a series of official activities of this tour in this country and in Vietnam, with a brief stopover in the Arab Emirates.

Macri has been specially invited by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, with whom he will hold talks on Monday after an official reception chaired by the president of this federal parliamentary republic, Ram Nath Kovind.

In New Delhi, there will be political and economic meetings, but also a business forum to be held at the Taj Mahal hotel, where the Argentine President, who traveled accompanied by the first lady, will stay. Juliana Awada, officials of his cabinet and about 120 Argentine businessmen. Tuesday morning, Macri will travel to Mumbai, where he will close this business forum before leaving for Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, the same day of the afternoon.

The Indian economy it's in seventh place among the largest in the world according to data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Its market is very large and therefore very attractive for Argentine products because it offers significant development opportunities and benefits for bilateral trade.

With an area of ​​more than three million square kilometers and an estimated population of 1,340 million inhabitants, India is today a market that, for example, ask for manufactured foods agribusiness that Argentina could provide.

That is why Macri attaches special importance to this impressive market that is part of the first tour that the head of state is conducting abroad this year as part of his efforts to attract investment and exports to various production sectors, officials said.

India also presents itself as an attractive destination to complement in science and technology sectors such as the computer industry, drugs, laboratories and business services.

The development of computer technology India may have a supplement with the Argentine company INVAP in the radioisotopes for the medical sector and the system of equipment of electricity generation from nuclear energy for small urban conglomerates. The government expects India to increase its investments in the exploitation of the unconventional hydrocarbon deposit of Vaca Muerta.

In terms of food, India is a major consumer of fruits and vegetables, as about 40% of the population is vegetarian, so Argentina's export opportunities are important. It is also the world's largest producer of milk, tea, ginger, turmeric and black pepper, and the second largest producer of wheat, rice, sugar, cotton and peanuts. Argentina could very often manufacture these raw materials.

The President is accompanied by Deputy Chief of Staff Andrés Ibarra; Chancellor Jorge Faurie; the Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Fulvio Pompeo; the secretary for international economic relations, Horacio Reyser; the presidential spokesman, Iván Pavlovsky, and the secretary of the agri-food sector, Luis Miguel Etchevehere.

Deputies Emilio Monzó (President of the Lower House), Martín Lousteau, Oscar Castillo and Marcelo Wechsler and Peronist Senator Alfredo Luenzo, the only opposition leader in the delegation, also traveled. The government proposed to legislators of Kirchner and Mbadist to participate in the tour, but the invitation was rejected.


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