Mauricio Macri's trip to India: pasta, a harangue and two politicians waiting – 17/02/2019


Whoever sleeps does not eat …

Mauricio Macri arrived very hungry in New Delhi. So, after a brief stint in the hall of the hotel Taj Mahal, went down into the hall in search of the rest of the procession and headed to the San Gimignano restaurant, to taste pasta. The movement took several unconscious. One of them was the Peronist Senator Alfredo Luenzo, who, a few minutes after the departure of the delegation, appeared at the reception and was surprised not to notice an Argentine presence. The head of the Chamber of Deputies, Emilio Monzó, was in charge of guiding his "partner" legislator. But Chubut was not the only one to "suffer" from the sudden departure of the delegation: the deputy chief of staff, Andrés Ibarra, happened to him the same thing and he went in search of a car so as not to miss the food.

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The harangue with football "language"

After the nap, Macri decided to join a meeting of Argentine businessmen organized by HSBC president, Gabriel Martino. And then they gave him the use of the word. In a brief speech, in camera, he again spoke about the importance of the public sector, as part of this state visit, to do its part, innovating and exhausting efforts to place Argentine products. And there, the president has chosen again to resort to football to represent their intentions graphically. "From the government, we try to cut the grbad, to mark the lines, to put the nets, but do not forget that the goals that you set for yourself," he said. It was a nod to businessmen who, when unprepared, were surprised to find that cricketers – the most popular sport in India – were played in New Delhi squares at football place.

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Cordoba, the other Macri witch

During this same meeting, the President was enlightened when it was seen recalling that the company Manfrey, a dairy company from Cordoba, was present and had advances. concrete to sell dulce de leche. "Welcome to all, Cordoba, my province!" The Cordobans came to Patota, "he said, citing the presence of SMEs in this district.

Streets are not suitable for pickets

The "orderly chaos" that we see in the streets of New Delhi was a cause for surprise and discussion between officials and businessmen arriving in India. And hilarious dialogues were given, as when the situation was compared to that experienced daily in Argentina. "An anti-polio protocol is impossible here," joked one of them, evoking the impossibility for the security forces to control 20 million people and to draw a parallel with what's happening in Buenos Aires. "Who will encourage us to cut the street?" They let pbad: did you see how fast they manage? ", They retorted. A special mention was received by the constant horn that is heard.

Monzó and Lousteau, two "waiting"

Once the president is gone, the main looks have been monopolized. It turns out that the head of the Chamber of Deputies, Emilio Monzó, former Minister of Economy and current MP, Martin Lousteau, are two leaders with whom Macri has to be interviewed. Monzó must agree on the conditions and how he will leave his bank to become an ambbadador to Spain. The man of Carlos Tejedor will ask that his political swords, such as the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Sebastián García de Luca, and the head of the PRO block, Nicolás Mbadot, be recognized for their work during the fighting given and not relegated after departure. Macri, according to official sources, would respond to this concern. Lousteau, to the same extent, could receive in this trip the candidacy bid for the candidacy of Senator of the City with the ticket macri. The initiative has the "blessing" of the head of the government of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, and would also be approved by the chief of staff, Marcos Peña. For the moment, the legislator has stayed out of the rumor and dodged the microphones, but unlike on other occasions, he is seen with a beautiful face and a pure smile. Those who know him well may accept it.



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