Mauro Colagreco: "It's a gesture of being the first stranger with three stars and I like to represent it" – 16/03/2019


It's his return to the country after the Michelin guide in January made him the first foreigner to win three stars in France. Mauro Colagreco He came to the country for a short three-day tour, where he formed a jury for a contest and the launch of a water pipe. But what determined his agenda was not that it was to be last Sunday at the fiftieth anniversary of the Lycée Français, where his eldest son is studying. He promised that he would cook at the party. And that is accomplished.

The Argentinian, who has arrived at the top of the world gastronomy, says that Lucca (10) and Valentin (5) are his iron sons. This surpbades "any star". That the major travels a lot and that the two play "with cell phones and tablets". He does not have television and that's why he does not watch the series and does not follow much gymnastics ("Better not to talk about gymnastics", he asks after the clbadic), but love cinema And pasta.

Mauro Colagreco and his colleague Laurent Petit, the two chefs who have won three Michelin stars this year (AP)

Mauro Colagreco and his colleague Laurent Petit, the two chefs who have won three Michelin stars this year (AP)

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

His story could be the plot of a movie. To the list of recognitions has just been added that of the illustrious citizen of Menton, where is his restaurant Mirazur. It filled him with pride because they were only 15 years old and "all excellent, like Jean Cocteau". His day started early with the presentation of the second edition of the Baron B Award, who again judged him for rewarding the project of a social impact leader. And that will end after a marathon of interviews. But he takes the time to explain his message. Because he understands that cooking can say a lot.

– How did you personally change, in the intimate, third star?

– It also confirms a choice in my kitchen and my way of working. He did not strengthen it in me, but he said, "It's good that he recognizes it". And this is a great sign of Michelin: he is the first non-French chef to have three stars in France, as the countries close. This is a very important gesture. I like that I have to represent it.

– And it's stronger than you are South American.

– Yes, they did not give it to an Englishman … There are no borders in the kitchen. Even if Mirazur is on a frontier, the kitchen goes beyond any barrier. It's like water that filters everywhere.

The kitchen exceeds all the barriers. It's like water that filters everywhere.

– When did you fantasize about it?

– In the second star, we say "We are so close". But it was never a goal. It is healthy that this is not the case, because if not, what would be the next step?

– For some cooks, the third star is a big pressure. How do you go about it?

– The simple fact of giving priority to the customer for the customer to have a good time is that the pressure is elsewhere and not "be careful, you can get the star." Any price must be a reward.

Look also

– What is the call that surprised you the most? The president has called you?

– It was very moving the moment of the award, with all the great chefs, my teachers … I sent a message to the president's wife and it was fine too. But the biggest thing was the affection of all the unknowns who dared to write me.

Colagreco recognizes that prices bring business opportunities. He runs three restaurants and indirectly others that employ 600 people. He also carries out projects with companies such as Flavored Water that he just presented with Narda Lepes and Germán Martitegui for Villavicencio, or a sushi line for the French chain Sushi Shop.

Tireless, Mauro Colagreco manages three restaurants and indirectly others, which employ 600 people.

Tireless, Mauro Colagreco manages three restaurants and indirectly others, which employ 600 people.

– You are an entrepreneur. How do you find time for creativity?

– It's more to encourage the three or four people who work with me in the creative process, who propose and say "No, that with that". Like the artists, who had great workshops and they did last three little things. Yes I try to enter the kitchen, I am pbadionate. It's hard because the boy who cooks the fish every day already does it better than me. Well, not yet (laughs).

– How many dishes per season?

–A lot. We recently wanted to calculate how much we had done in the past 13 years and they were over 10,000. We are forced to change and renew.

Look also

Now, with a geneticist, they are working on the "DNA kitchen", which decodes the model of the diner and creates a personalized menu …

–I thought it was very interesting to specify the preference of the aromas that we have in the DNA, the inheritance that is formed from generation to generation. This transmission is the true eternal life. And to work what is good on the other side of your diet. In the end, technology brings us to the wisdom of the past that we lost by wanting to see everything individually.

"Mirazur is an embbady of Argentine cuisine," says Colagreco. Photo: Lucía Merle.

– How does your place allow you to promote Argentine cuisine in the world?

–A lot. By giving me the star we say "Argentine cook". Mirazur is an embbady of Argentine cuisine. Like footballers abroad.

– How do you see five years? Are you planning or are you coming?

– Things came to me and took … Now I am very dedicated to the orchards of Mirazur. I am getting more and more, and I am more willing to continue to be there. Not five, but ten, I see myself working more on the floor than in the kitchen. Maybe the orchards are bigger than Mirazur. That's my illusion. Mirazur is a small part of this commitment to the earth and nature.



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