Mauro Colagreco versus. Ferran Adrià: the least thought of the chef’s duel on a giant screen


Mauro Colagreco will “face” with Ferran Adria in a duel which will be projected on a giant screen. The Argentinian chef and his Spanish counterpart are the protagonists of a competition that takes place at the Festival of San Sebastián.

In category Culinary zinema of the famous Spanish festival, two films with Mauro Colagreco and Ferran Adrià. In the case of the Argentinian chef with three Michelin stars, he stars Reinventing the Mirazur (Mirazur reinvented). Franck Ribière and Vérane Frédiani sought to show how Colagreco reinvented itself when the pandemic he stopped the world, and he had Mirazur elected the best restaurant in the world.

The “Reinventing MIrazur” team: Florencia Montes, Vérane Frédiani, Mauro Colagreco and Franck Ribière.

In “Reinventing the Mirazur”, Mauro Colagreco reveals how he came to create the “menu of the Moon”.

According to filmmakers Ribière and Frédiani, there were two aspects of Colagreco that interested them: French. “At first, the chef struggled to get used to the cameras on him. But” since we shot so long “to a At one point, “he forgot about us and we were practically part of his kitchen team.”

As the coronavirus pandemic takes a break in the world, “Colagreco has asked a lot of questions about the future of gastronomy,” said Ribière and Frédiani. “And on the meaning he had to do haute cuisine in a collapsing world. We found it very enriching to have the opportunity to reflect all of this in a documentary. “

Mauro Colagreco created “Réinventer le Mirazur”, in the Culinary Zinema section.

Ferran Adrià, the chef who “deconstructed” gastronomy in 1993 and positioned the figure of the chef as a rockstar, stars ElBulli’s footsteps. In July 2021, it had been a decade since he closed his legendary restaurant, but Adrià is still valid. “Adrià’s breakfast without deconstructed toast nor conversations about what a tomato is… And the fact is that Ferran looks more like you than you imagine ”.

Yes indeed, ElBulli’s footsteps invites the spectator to a documentary which aims to retrace the path left by Ferran and his team. And, as its directors Iñigo Ruiz Aquereta and José Larraza explained, to reveal to many people “how many things typical of today’s gastronomic culture come from a house hidden in a secluded cove in the province of Girona “.

Ferran Adrià and his wife Isabel Pérez Barceló at the premiere of “The Footprints of elBulli”.

One of the attractions of this documentary is that Ferran Adrià allowed the entry of his own kitchen, that of his private house. Something that had never been done: throughout his career, no one had interviewed his wife –Isabel Pérez Barceló–, and even less inside her house. “Isabel (Adrià’s wife) brings a dimension to the figure of Ferran which, until now, was not visible, but which is fundamental in all aspects of his person”, explains José Larraza. The same goes for the presence of Albert Adrià, Ferran’s brother. “The conversation they both have is very frank, lucid and serves to understand them both and to understand the story of elBulli.”

In “ElBulli’s Footsteps”, Ferran Adrià opens for the first time his own house and his personal kitchen.

Culinary zinema try these films and documentaries unite cinema, gastronomy and food-related activities in education, science and agriculture. Each screening, this year there will be five – one for each film – accompanied by themed dinners.

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