Máxima finished her 30 years of study and celebrated with her classmates


The Queen of Holland, Máxima Zorreigueta, came to Argentina as part of the G20. However, his busy schedule allowed him to attend the Northlands Alumni Meeting.

Among all the leaders who came to the country to participate in the G20, the Queen came Maximum of Holland. Argentina arrived on Wednesday night and will participate in some activities organized by the UN, which appointed it special advisor. Among them, he will give a lecture on the economic empowerment of women.

However, not all of his activities are aimed at the summit. On the Wednesday of her arrival in the country, she attended a meeting with her clbadmates for 30 years, graduating from the exclusive Northlands School. The event took place in the historic hall of the institution called Winifred Brightman. Every 5 years, each of the litters meets to relive its pbadage in primary and secondary schools. This year, the scope of 1988 decided to postpone the meeting for a week to wait for his companion: Maximum Zorreguieta. Of the 82 graduates, 54 women attended.

It was a very good moment. They remembered their school years and continued their lives. One of the former students, nutritionist and resident in the United States, was charged with the meeting meal. He made healthy drinks and a delicious buffet. At the end of the evening, the Queen delivered a moving speech. He spoke about the friendship and the importance of each of his companions. He retired shortly after midnight.

Thursday was a busy day for Maximum. He participated in the Investors Forum of the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK) as a representative of the UN to promote inclusive financing of development, project that he has been promoting for years with the international organization. There he met President Mauricio Macri and his wife Juliana Awada.

Queen Máxima is in Argentina: G20 and meeting with clbadmates

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