Maximum tension: repressed opponents try to get help in Venezuela


The confrontation took place at the intersection of the Francisco de Paula Santander Bridge, which connects the Venezuelan city of Ureña to Cúcuta, Colombia, when the group, who wanted to cross the border to work, collided with members They responded to disperse them, according to a Reuters witness at the scene.

Venezuela's opposition, led by Juan Guaidó, which dozens of countries recognize as interim president, expects Saturday entry of tons of food and medicine from neighboring countries such as Colombia and Brazil.

Guaidó, 35 years old and recognized by more than 50 countries as interim president of Venezuela, will lead the operation on the Colombian side of the Tienditas international bridge, blocked since the beginning of the month by container trucks and other obstacles mounted by Venezuelan soldiers. .

VIDEO: In the midst of escalating tension, three members of the Venezuelan guard defected on a bridge on the border with Colombia.

"On February 23, a month after baduming the duties of president in charge, all the people of Venezuela will be on the streets to demand the entrance of humanitarian aid"said Guaidó, arrived on Colombian soil despite a restriction of justice linked to Chavismo that prevented him from leaving the country.

The young leader, who has proclaimed himself president of the Venezuelan congress, unexpectedly appeared in a huge show in Cúcuta to raise funds for the victims of the dramatic economic crisis in Venezuela.

Guaidó will challenge the blockade of the border accompanied by the presidents of Colombia, Iván Duque; from Paraguay, Mario Abdó; From Chile, Sebastián Piñera, the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro and the United States Special Representative for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams.

Maduro on Friday ordered the temporary closure of three other bridges connecting countries to the state of Táchira, including Simón Bolívar, the largest bi-national pedestrian crossing.

Supported by Russia, Maduro considers aid entry as the starting point for a Washington military intervention. US President Donald Trump said all options were on the table in the case of the oil nation.

Guaidó attributed to the participation of the Maduro stronghold army, his arrival Friday in the Colombian city of Cucuta, where is the Tienditas bridge, a food collection center of 600 tons, cleaning kits and medical supplies sent mainly by the United States. .

"We are here precisely because the armed forces have also participated in this process", a point.

Tons of other inputs are in Brazil and Curacao.

The Chavez government closed the border with Brazil a few days ago. Two Indians died and 15 others wounded in clashes with Venezuelan uniformed soldiers. The Caribbean island has announced that it will not send any cargo without authorization from Caracas.

Guaidó and Maduro both called their supporters in Venezuela on the streets this Saturday. The first to accompany the caravans, the second to support his administration and against the "military intervention".

"The company is absolutely mobilized, more than a million volunteers have signed up for this feat"badured Guaidó.

Maduro had not appeared in public the night before, but he should be speaking Saturday.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterrez on Friday urged the Maduro government "Do not use lethal force against protesters". In the meantime, the Secretary General of the OAS badured that the Socialist President would be a "Coward" if she attacks unarmed people.

In Colombia, the opposition aims to provide badistance to trucks driven by Venezuelans by the bridges that connect the Colombian department of Norte de Santander to Venezuela, the same as those ordered by Maduro.

Accompanied by the Catholic Church, volunteers called by Guaidó would escort them to avoid being arrested by state forces.

Because of the urgency, According to the UN, 2.7 million people have left Venezuela since 2015.

In announcing the partial closure of borders, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez wrote on Twitter that the decision was "The serious and illegal threats that the Government of Colombia has made against La Paz and the sovereignty of Venezuela".


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