May is the month with the largest number of organ donors in history


In May of this year, there were 89 processes across the country for organ donation for the benefit of 182 people who were on the waiting list, which represents the highest level attained in the # 39, history of this country of South America, reported the National Institute of Central Single Coordination of Ablation and Implantation (Incucai). "May has been the month with the most donors in history"said in a statement the agency dependent on the Ministry of Health.

In the past month, transplants were conducted in 18 of the 24 districts of Argentina. In total they were 104 kidney operations, 46 hepatic, 13 cardiac, nine pancreatic, six pulmonary, two hepatorenal and two pancreatic, reported the Incucai. The number of donation processes exceeded the maximum value of transplants reached last time last August, when the 27,447 law on organ, tissue and cell transplantation came into force.

During the first five months of 2019, a total of 784 organ donation processes were performed., including those that materialized during this month, which were 18. During this year, 378 people donated their organs, of which 109 came from the province of Buenos Aires, the most populous of the country, according to Central Reports and Statistics, and in addition, 626 corneal transplants were performed

A year after Justina's law, organ transplants increased by 60%.

The agency also reported that currently 7,448 people were on the waiting list to receive an organ, while another 2,448 were waiting for a corneal transplant. He counted Alberto Maceira, president of Incucai, since the approval of the Justina law "The organ purchases have increased by 60%, comparing the five months of this year to the previous year.There have been 201 more transplants so far this year, almost one more transplant per day. "We are very happy, there are 201 other people who have changed or saved their lives, and the curve continues to grow, we make the month of May the best month of the year with 81 donors," he said. he declares. PROFILE.



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