McCann case: prime suspect breaks silence – News


Christian Brueckner, the main suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann 13 years ago on a beach in Portugal, made for the first time a statement accompanied by an ironic prison cartoon.

In the letter, the current detainee on charges of raping a 72-year-old American woman in 2005 criticized prosecutors leading the investigation and asked them to resign.

“Charging a suspect is one thing, but it’s something completely different when a prosecutor launches a campaign of public prejudice before starting the main process,” he criticized.

In this sense, Brueckner denounced that the situation is “an incredible scandal” and assured that there was a smear campaign against him.

Then he referred to freedom of expression and said that it is not intended “for people to say or write what the majority like to hear”.

Finally, he asked the prosecutors in charge of the investigation to give up their positions. “Both demonstrate, by arbitrary convictions of the past and by scandalous campaigns of prejudice against an innocent person, that they are not fit to occupy the position of” honest defenders of the German people “”.

In addition to the handwriting, the letter was accompanied by a drawing apparently done by Brueckner. In the image, the two prosecutors in the case, Wolters and Ute Lindemann, are pictured in a pizzeria asking for a “forensic net”. The drawing seeks to “mark” that investigators have no forensic evidence to blame him.


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